BACK TO SCHOOL: Getting ready for the summer at Kingsthorne Primary School

Words and pics supplied by Kingsthorne Primary School

It is hard to believe that we are already at the start of the summer term. The weather certainly hasn’t been what we would hope for! 

Since coming back the children have been very busy. Over the holiday, Y1 were asked to make bug hotels to encourage wildlife to come into the school grounds.

This is linked to their writing topic, ‘Our Woodland Visit’, where the children are learning to compose and recount text.

As part of their immersive experience they took part in a colour hunt, a minibeast hunt, and a scavenger hunt. Back in class the intrepid explorers drew pictures of what they had found and relaxed with hot chocolate and marsh mallows.

Learning beyond the classroom is very important at Kingsthorne and in the coming weeks Y6 are off for a week at the Outward Bound Centre in Aberdovey, and Y4 have two nights in the Peak District at the Ravenstore Youth Hostel.

We will, of course, report back about everything they have been up to!  

For more on Kingsthorne Primary School visit

Kingsthorne Primary School is part of the Erdington Local BACK TO SCHOOL programme, working together to celebrate school life from staffroom to classroom.

To find out more about going BACK TO SCHOOL with Erdington Local please email: [email protected]

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