BACK TO SCHOOL: A Happy Kings Rise Academy New Year!

Content supplied by Kings Rise Academy (KRA) Editorial Team

(Ed’s note – this BACK TO SCHOOL article was first written for the Erdington Local printed edition and published on 17.01.25)

As we lead into the new year, we leave the previous one behind us, but we keep the memories with us. Let’s review the amazing events that happened at KRA in 2024.

In assembly, we spent every Wednesday practising our singing until finally the moment came to perform in front of the parents. On the 11 December, we had traditional Christmas dinner, with roast potatoes, carrots, Christmas donuts and of course, turkey!

In 2025, Year 6 will start doing their SATS papers from the 12 to 16 May. Also, Year 6 students will find out their school places on the 3 March. It is British Science Week from 10 to 14 March. British Science Week is a celebration of science, technology, engineering and maths which takes place each March.

A whole new year is like a blank book. Write your own story in it. This year, may your journey be filled with exciting adventures and a lot of learning. Last year was a great one. Let’s make this year the best. Happy 2025!

For more on Kings Rise Academy visit

Kings Rise Editorial Team: Hiba Ahmed (Y4), Sienna Mills (Y5), Ryley Mortiboys (Y5), Ehichoya Jason Obor (Y5), Zaneta Onojah (Y5), Liyana Walters (Y5)

Kings Rise Academy is part of the Erdington Local BACK TO SCHOOL programme, working together to celebrate school life from staffroom to classroom.

To find out more about going BACK TO SCHOOL with Erdington Local please email: [email protected]

BACK TO SCHOOL: Christmas at Kings Rise Academy!

Words and pics by KRA Editorial Team

(Ed’s note – this BTS article was first written for the Erdington Local printed edition and initially published on 20.12.24)

Snow covering the playground and planters at Kings Rise Academy / Pic supplied by Kings Rise Academy

It’s Christmas time at Kings Rise Academy, and we are feeling festive! December is always a magical month at our school, and KRA in the snow definitely set the mood this year. There are so many fun activities happening, and the excitement is in the air!

To start off the month, Scroogical the Musical came and performed at our school, and it was absolutely amazing! Both staff and children were captivated by the show and loved every minute of it. The energy and joy it brought to our school were unforgettable.

One of the highlights of the year is Christmas Dinner Day! It’s a special time when we all sit down together to enjoy a festive lunch with crackers, jokes, and Christmas music filling the air.

Then, on Tuesday, 12 December, it’s time for our much-anticipated Christmas Fayre. There will be games, prizes, treats, and lots of fun stalls. It’s a wonderful opportunity to get into the Christmas spirit while spending time with friends and family.

We’re also looking forward to our Christmas discos, which are always a hit! KS1 will have theirs first and KS2 will get to dance and celebrate a little later. With so many exciting events, there’s truly something for everyone this festive season.

From all of us at Kings Rise, we hope you have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Thank you for making this year so special for our school community.

We can’t wait to see all the exciting things 2025 has in store!

For more on Kings Rise Academy visit

Kings Rise Editorial Team: Sienna Mills (Y5), Zaneta Onojah (Y5), Liyana Walters (Y5), Riley Mortiboys (Y5), Hiba Ahmed (Y4), Ehichoya Jason Obor (Y5).

Kings Rise Academy is part of the Erdington Local BACK TO SCHOOL programme, working together to celebrate school life from staffroom to classroom.

To find out more about going BACK TO SCHOOL with Erdington Local please email: [email protected]


BACK TO SCHOOL: Kings Rise Academy unites in remembrance for the fallen

Words and pics by KRA Editorial Team

On 11 November at Kings Rise Academy, students gathered to honour Remembrance Day, paying tribute to those who have lost their lives in war.

At 11 o’clock, the whole school observed a two-minute silence, where we all stayed quiet to show our respect for the soldiers who fought for our country. Many of us wore poppies as a way to remember the bravery of those who sacrificed so much.

Year 6 played a special role in the ceremony by reading a poem dedicated to the fallen. The words of the poem were powerful and moving, making us think deeply about how much was given up by people who came before us.

Listening to it, we felt proud, and it was like we were all saying thank you in our own way.

Mrs Noonan (head teacher) reminded us that this day is important to help us understand the meaning of remembrance and why we should never forget those who protected our future. Standing together in silence, it was clear that everyone felt the importance of this moment.

Kings Rise Academy’s ceremony showed that as a school, we are grateful for the sacrifices made for us, and we will always honour those who gave everything.

Kings Rise Editorial Team: Sienna Mills (Y5), Zaneta Onojah (Y5), Liyana Walters (Y5), Riley Mortiboys (Y5), Hiba Ahmed (Y4), Ehichoya Jason Obor (Y5).

For more on Kings Rise Academy visit

Kings Rise Academy is part of the Erdington Local BACK TO SCHOOL programme, working together to celebrate school life from staffroom to classroom.

To find out more about going BACK TO SCHOOL with Erdington Local please email: [email protected]

BACK TO SCHOOL: Kings Rise Academy 2024 Autumn Art Competition

Words and pics by KRA Editorial Team

Winning artwork at the Kings Rise Academy 2024 Autumn Art Competition

We are thrilled to announce the winners of the 2024 Autumn Art Competition! Eight talented students have been selected for their outstanding artwork, which will be displayed in our school gallery throughout the term.

The competition invited students from all year groups to create pieces inspired by the beauty of autumn. From colourful landscapes to abstract interpretations of the season, the submissions were filled with creativity and technical skill.

The judges had a difficult task selecting the winners, as all the entries demonstrated a strong sense of imagination and artistic flair. After much deliberation, eight exceptional pieces were chosen for their originality, technique, and the way they captured the essence of autumn.

Sign outside Kings Rise Academy / Ed King

A huge congratulations to our winners: Fatima (Yr6), Ronia (Yr2), Joshua (Yr6), Michelle (Yr3), Kylen (Nursery), Annie (Yr2), Ruby (Reception), and Madison (Yr4). Their remarkable artworks will be showcased in the school gallery, offering a beautiful reflection of the season for everyone to admire.

Thank you to all students who took part in the competition. Your creativity brought autumn to life in so many wonderful ways, and we are proud of everyone who submitted artwork.

Well done to all! Keep up the incredible work!

For more on Kings Rise Academy visit

Kings Rise Editorial Team: Sienna Mills (Y5), Zaneta Onojah (Y5), Liyana Walters (Y5), Riley Mortiboys (Y5), Hiba Ahmed (Y4), Ehichoya Jason Obor (Y5).

Kings Rise Academy is part of the Erdington Local BACK TO SCHOOL programme, working together to celebrate school life from staffroom to classroom.

To find out more about going BACK TO SCHOOL with Erdington Local please email: [email protected] 

BACK TO SCHOOL: Welcome back Kings Rise Academy

Words by KRA Editorial Team

Mrs Mcelwee, Assistant Principal, Kings Rise Academy

Kings Rise Academy Primary School has welcomed its students back for the new academic year, and not even the gloomy weather could dampen their spirits. Despite the rain pouring down, the children arrived with bright smiles, eager to reunite with friends and teachers.

Mrs Mcelwee, Assistant Principal, along with the behaviour team, kicked off the academic year with a highly successful meeting for Year 6 parents – aiming to ensure students feel prepared and confident as they move into the next stage of their education.

The school’s warm and welcoming atmosphere was evident as students settled into their new routines, with teachers ready to kick off another exciting term of learning.

The classrooms were buzzing with activity and joy as pupils eagerly shared their summer adventures.

Kings Rise Academy / Ed King

Teachers have been busy preparing classrooms, ensuring a welcoming and vibrant learning environment. Both staff and students look forward to making new memories, learning new skills, and achieving great things.

Kings Rise Academy is determined to make this year one to remember, focusing on creating engaging lessons, nurturing friendships, and fostering a love of learning.

The staff and students are proving that, come rain or shine, nothing can stop the joy of being back at school.

For more on Kings Rise Academy visit

Kings Rise Academy is part of the Erdington Local BACK TO SCHOOL programme, working together to celebrate school life from staffroom to classroom.

If your school would like to know more about going BACK TO SCHOOL with Erdington Local please email: [email protected]

BACK TO SCHOOL: Exciting field trips and celebrating hard work at Kings Rise Academy

Words and pics by KRA Editorial Team

Even though the end of the year is fast approaching, it has been another exciting term at Kings Rise Academy. Children have taken part in a number of exciting activities including: Sutton Park, Xtreme Jump, Cadbury World, and Tudor World.

Children love time away from the classroom and Sutton Park provides the perfect setting to get out and explore.

Mr Bentley says: “We absolutely loved playing cricket and football, enjoying a picnic in the park and an ice-cream before we walked home.”

Xtreme Jump was a fantastic way to celebrate how amazing the Year 6 children have performed during their SATs and a memory they will never forget. They enjoyed pizza and chips after jumping in a room made entirely of trampolines and had the best time!

Another example of some of the exciting trips this term is Tudor World and Cadbury World linking to the students’ history topics. They learned all about the impact of the Tudors through a crime and punishment workshop all the way in Stratford Upon-Avon and even got to taste the chocolate at Cadbury world.

With lots more to come, it’s safe to say Kings Rise Academy are busy engaging in fun learning activities.

For more on Kings Rise Academy visit

Kings Rise Editorial Team: Sienna Mills (Y5), Zaneta Onojah (Y5), Liyana Walters (Y5), Riley Mortiboys (Y5), Hiba Ahmed (Y4), Ehichoya Jason Obor (Y5).

Kings Rise Academy is part of the Erdington Local BACK TO SCHOOL programme, working together to celebrate school life from staffroom to classroom.

To find out more about going BACK TO SCHOOL with Erdington Local please email: [email protected]

BACK TO SCHOOL: Ancient Greek Day at Kings Rise Academy

Words and pics supplied by KRA Editorial Team

This half term, Year 4 have been exploring the topic of Ancient Greece throughout their lessons and on Wednesday 8 May, they spent the whole day learning all about Ancient Greece through lots of fun activities and games.

They came into school (along with the teachers) dressed as Gods and Goddesses and ate traditional Greek food like olives and yoghurt. The children and staff had the best day and learnt so much along the way.

Throughout the day, the children learnt all about myths and legends, popular food and clothing and even had a go at learning some Ancient Greek writing themselves!

Luke (year 4) said “he loved learning about the Olympics and statues” and Kree (year 4) said “I would really like to have more days like this, it has been the best”.

We spoke with Mrs Hagans (Year 4 Teacher) and she said: “The children had such a fun day learning all about the Ancient Greeks, it was a great success and we hope to do another one soon!”

After speaking with the children and staff, it’s clear that the day was a huge success and Kings Rise Academy as always has a busy schedule with lots more amazing days to look forward to!

For more on Kings Rise Academy visit

Kings Rise Editorial Team: Sienna Mills (Y5), Zaneta Onojah (Y5), Liyana Walters (Y5), Riley Mortiboys (Y5), Hiba Ahmed (Y4), Ehichoya Jason Obor (Y5).

Kings Rise Academy is part of the Erdington Local BACK TO SCHOOL programme, working together to celebrate school life from staffroom to classroom.

To find out more about going BACK TO SCHOOL with Erdington Local please email: [email protected]

BACK TO SCHOOL: Hello summer term at Kings Rise Academy!

Words and pics supplied by KRA Editorial Team

Here at Kings Rise Academy, we can’t believe the summer term is finally here and we are two thirds of the way through the school year. Before we tell you about the exciting things we have to come, let’s look back on the final week of our spring term.

KRA finished the term with our famous Easter Bonnet parade! We all made our own hats and paraded them through the playground.

We asked competition winner Shay what he thought. “My hat was so tall that I nearly fell over! I even won an Easter egg for my design,” – Shay is 10 years old. The week was filled with egg hunts, card making, and learning all about Easter.

We even had five new additions to our KRA family: five very noisy ducks we hatched from eggs and now roam around our Kraken gardens.

Coming up this term, we are looking forward to the Year 6 SATS. These tests are the culmination of all the hard work pupils have done in Year 6, not to mention the rest of their time in primary school.

As well as tests, here are some of the exciting events and trips happening this term: Evacuees Day, Sports Day, local walks & fruit tasting, New Outside library, The Black Country Museum trip, Cadbury World tour, and finally, a trip to Tudor World.

For more on Kings Rise Academy visit

Kings Rise Editorial Team: Sienna Mills (Y5), Zaneta Onojah (Y5), Liyana Walters (Y5), Riley Mortiboys (Y5), Hiba Ahmed (Y4), Ehichoya Jason Obor (Y5).

Kings Rise Academy is part of the Erdington Local BACK TO SCHOOL programme, working together to celebrate school life from staffroom to classroom.

To find out more about going BACK TO SCHOOL with Erdington Local please email: [email protected]

BACK TO SCHOOL: Celebrating Mother’s Day at Kings Rise Academy

Words and pics by KRA

On Friday 8 March, children at Kings Rise Academy celebrated Mother’s Day with a special presentation in the main hall – inviting family, parents, and carers to come into school to mark the occasion with a special assembly.

Having written and prepared their own heartfelt messages of love than appreciation, our children welcomed the opportunity to stand on stage, read their personal messages, and tell their loved ones just how important they are.

Kings Rise Academy’s school motto is ‘Together We Succeed’ and the recent Mother’s Day celebration was a great example of how we can all be better people when we are loved and supported.

Year 5 Teacher and Curriculum Lead, Mrs Kelly Ann Dawes, told: “It was really wonderful to see all the hard work and effort the children put into their messages, and how they got to share them at such a special occasion – joined by the people that mean so much to them.

“We understand that family can mean different things to different people, but love is eternal – and that’s what we got to celebrate that day.”

For more on Kings Rise Academy visit

Kings Rise Academy is part of the Erdington Local BACK TO SCHOOL programme, working together to celebrate school life from staffroom to classroom.

To find out more about going BACK TO SCHOOL please email: [email protected]

BACK TO SCHOOL: Chinese New Year at Kings Rise Academy

Words and pics by KRA editorial team

Here at Kings Rise Academy, we love to experience lots of different cultures and traditions! On 10 February, people all around the world welcomed in the Chinese New Year in many different ways.

At Kings Rise Academy, we celebrated the day by eating Chinese food, creating lots of different crafts, learning about Chinese New Year, and dressing in red, yellow, and gold.

The day was organised by our amazing Miss Woo who said: “Chinese New Year is about family getting together and celebrating good health and a year of joy.”

Miss Woo spoke to all of the children in assembly and sent everyone home with a fortune cookie to celebrate the holiday. This year also marks the year of the dragon which symbolises power, wisdom, strength, and knowledge.

The children all agreed that their favourite part of the day was creating their own dragon stencils, learning all about Chinese New Year traditions, and seeing the dinner hall so wonderfully decorated thanks to our amazing staff. 

As the celebrations landed on the day of half term, all the children and staff at Kings Rise Academy wish everyone a Happy Lunar New Year from us and we hope you have a relaxing half term.

For more on Kings Rise Academy visit

The Kings Rise Editorial Team are: Sienna Mills Y5, Zaneta Onojah Y5, Liyana Walters Y5, Riley Mortiboys Y5, Hiba Ahmed Y4, Ehichoya Jason Obor, Y5.

Kings Rise Academy is part of the Erdington Local BACK TO SCHOOL programme, working together to celebrate school life from staffroom to classroom.

To find out more about going BACK TO SCHOOL please email: [email protected]