BACK TO SCHOOL: Students from The Hive College invited for special dinner at Chung Ying Cantonese Restaurant

Words & pics by The Hive College

Last week Live 2 students from The Hive College were invited to a special dinner at Chung Ying Cantonese Restaurant in Birmingham.

It was a great experience for the students, some of whom have never been to a restaurant before! It also provided them with the opportunity to practise the skills they focus on in college, and to help them prepare for adulthood.

Speaking about their experience, the students gave a message of thanks for the kind hearted staff at Chung Ying. They told: “Thank you for having us at the restaurant and thank you to all the staff. Thank you for the free food and drink it was fun trying to use the chop sticks. Thank you for letting us take some back for one of our friends.

“The food was amazing; thank you for that and thank you for refilling our drinks. it was nice meeting you, we hope we see you again. From Live 2.”

Recently graded as ‘Outstanding’ by Ofsted, The Hive College uses field trips and experiences outside the classroom to help prepare their students for adulthood.

The visit to Chung Ying allowed them to all choose what they wanted from the menu and place an order with the waiter. And of course, it was a chance to socialise and have fun with their friends.

A spokesperson from The Hive College added: “We are extremely grateful to Will and his team at Chung Ying for their generosity and making us all feel really welcome.”

For more on The Hive College visit:

For more on Chung Ying Cantonese Restaurant visit:

The Hive College is part of the Erdington Local BACK TO SCHOOL programme, working together to celebrate school life from staffroom to classroom.

To find out more about going BACK TO SCHOOL with Erdington Local please email: [email protected]


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