BACK TO SCHOOL: Kingsthorne Primary School visit the National Justice Museum

Words by Sabrin – Year 5

On Wednesday 28 March Y5 went on a trip to the National Justice Museum for their topic about Crime and Punishment. We asked our intrepid reporter, Sabrin, to tell the story. 

We got on the bus and it took one hour twenty minutes to get there. When we arrived we were led to our first destination – the court room. We acted out a trail based on a real case. The defendant was found guilty by the jury and was sent down the steps!

Next, we had our lunch. After lunch, we went down a flight of stairs to find a Georgian man explaining how people were punished for crimes. We learned that in those days jails weren’t punishments but waiting areas to get punished.

Next, we nervously ventured into the cold, dark, damp cells the prisoners were placed in. Some of us even spotted a hooded figure running creepily in the cells. 

Later, we visited the Victorian women’s cells and even had the chance to try out a Victorian laundry machine! The lady dressed up as a cell keeper said that we weren’t allowed to sit, jump, or run (just like they would have said in the Victorian times)! 

After that, we explored some more and found out ways people were punished. Most of us got to stand in a pillory – but luckily none of us got pelted with rotten tomatoes!

At the end of a long day of learning we collected our coats and bags and headed back from Nottingham. 

For more on Kingsthorne Primary School visit

Kingsthorne Primary School is part of the Erdington Local BACK TO SCHOOL programme, working together to celebrate school life from staffroom to classroom.

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