OPINION: Erdington Cllr Robert Alden, Leader of Birmingham Conservatives

(Ed’s Note: All monthly columns were written to be first published in the Erdington Local newspaper on 1 May)

It was great to see so many people using Rookery Park for the recent National Trust/Erdington Arts Forum Cherry Blossom Picnic, by the blossom trees we planted at the start of the year.

We previously secured funding as part of the redevelopment of Rookery House for the children’s play area in Rookery Park, and the Friends of the Park secured further money from our Celebrating Community fund in Erdington to provide outdoor gym equipment.

Since work has been happening to draft up proposals for what improvements this will deliver, before Christmas we held a consultation for local residents to have their say. We shared this feedback and the views of the Friends Group to the Council, who’ve been drawing up finalised plans for the work. Once timescales are known we will update residents.

As part of the work on Rookery House we secured the creation of a café/community space. Sadly, this has yet to open, despite being fitted out. It’s been held up by a disagreement regarding the proposed community space above the café. We’ve been working to try and resolve the issues.

This has included speaking to Planning Enforcement regularly to demand the Council intervenes and enforce the planning conditions that includes useable community space AND café. These proposals must be delivered for local residents.

Residents can rest assured that we will not stop in our work to both deliver the improvements to Rookery Park and delivering the community space/café in the House.

For more from Erdington Ward Councillors Cllr Robert Alden and Cllr Gareth Moore visit www.facebook.com/ErdingtonNews

One Reply to “OPINION: Erdington Cllr Robert Alden, Leader of Birmingham Conservatives”

  1. So what’s happening with Erdington rookery house and the café that was supposed to be opened?
    What’s happened with Erdington? Have you been into Wilton market lately, opposite the co-op?
    I brought a friend there who comes from London and we walked through to Wilton market, the entrance was disgusting. It looked as if it was the most disgusting third World Scrap Heap. I wanted to show off our local market, but I was just so ashamed of what we saw there, I’m the end of the High Street. It’s a disaster!
    What about all the youth clubs that used to exist? Where are they as Arlington got anything value in it anymore?
    Why is it that there is so much rubbish in Erdington, I’ve lived in Erdington for five decades and I’m so depressed with what I see. Nobody cares about Erdington anymore, nobody looks after it or picks the stinking rubbish up. I’m so sad.

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