NEWS: Erdington Councillor Robert Alden pays tribute to “a wonderful man who cared deeply” after passing of father and Honorary Alderman John Alden

Words by Ed King

Cllr Robert Alden by Rookery House in Erdington / Pic supplied by Birmingham Local Conservatives

Erdington Ward Councillor Robert Alden has paid tribute to his father and Honorary Alderman John Alden, after the esteemed senior politician passed away peacefully on 6 January.

In a statement issued through the Birmingham Conservatives, Cllr Alden told: “My father was a wonderful man who cared deeply about helping residents in need. He gave over 33 years to the City, always willing to try and help people no matter the time or day.”

He added: “The City is a worse off place with his passing, we will always miss him.”

John Alden was a significant figure in local politics, having represented the Harborne Ward as a Conservative Councillor for 33 years – from when he was first elected in 1983 until 2012, then after being re-elected in 2014 until his retirement in 2018.

(l-r) Lord Mayor John Alden and wife Cllr Deidre Alden / Pic supplied by Birmingham Local Conservatives

Respected across the political aisle, John Alden was further appointed Lord Mayor in 2003 – helping to launch new Bullring Shopping Centre and represent the city to partners across the world, including a high profile visit to New Delhi in 2004.

Cited as one of the key local councillors who stopped the Conservatives from losing prominence in Birmingham during the 1990’s, when the party was slumped in the national polls, John Alden also served as Deputy Leader of the Conservative Group from 1996 to 2000 – alongside a period as Leader during 1997.

Following both his father and mother into politics, Robert Alden was first elected as Erdington Ward Councillor in 2006 – with the ward being comfortably retained by the local Conservatives ever since.

Robert Alden was also appointed Leader of the Birmingham Conservatives in 2014, after serving as the party’s Deputy Leader – following in his father’s footsteps and representing the local party for over a decade.

John Alden leaves behind his wife, Cllr Deirdre Alden (Edgbaston Ward), sons Robert and Thomas, their wives Louise and Helen, and five grandchildren.

For more from Erdington Ward Councillor Robert Alden and Councillor Gareth Moore visit

OPINION: Erdington Cllr Robert Alden, Leader of Birmingham Conservatives

Words by Erdington Ward Cllr Robert Alden – Leader of Birmingham Conservatives

(l-r) Cllr Gareth Moore and Cllr Robert Alden at community launch of Operation Fearless at St Barnabas Church / Pic supplied by Cllr Alden

Happy New Year.

Over the last few weeks Cllr Gareth Moore and I have been meeting with officers from the police and the Council in advance of the launch of Operation Fearless to try and ensure its impact is maximised locally, for the benefit of local residents and businesses.

We also recently spoke at the launch of Operation Fearless in the second week of January, where we talked about the need for an increased police presence and tough action to make our local streets safer, about the campaigns Gareth and I have been working on over the last few years for more Police on our streets, for the reopening of the front desk at Erdington Police Station, and more officers to be based there, and for the renewal, strengthening and increased enforcement of the Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) around Erdington High Street.

Over the coming months we’ll be continuing to push the police for results from Operation Fearless to ensure it’s making a difference.

The best chance we have locally of making a difference from these increased police resources is to ensure that everyone is reporting all possible crime and anti-social behaviour that they see locally.

Even if you only have partial descriptions, please do report that information to the police or Crimestoppers so that we can ensure that Erdington is a no-go area for criminals.

We’ve also met with the NHS about the future of the North Birmingham Urgent Treatment Centre.

For more from Erdington’s Councillor Robert Alden and Councillor Gareth Moore visit

OPINION: Erdington Cllr Robert Alden, Leader of Birmingham Conservatives

Words by Erdington Ward Cllr Robert Alden – Leader of Birmingham Conservatives

(l-r) Cllr Alden and Cllr Moore at Abbey Church / Pic supplied by Cllr Alden

(Ed’s note – this column was written for the Erdington Local printed edition and first published on 20.12.24)

This month we have been working with officers and the local police to drive the renewal of the Public Space Protection Order for the area around Erdington High Street and, importantly, for more enforcement of it in future.

As we reported in previous columns, the campaigning for more police action locally has resulted in additional officers for Erdington over the last few months, with hopefully more in the new year.

This is starting to pay dividends locally, with the Police teams delivering results. In the last month they have arrested 13 people on the High Street, nine have been charged so far, issued criminal behaviour orders, found 20 positive results from stop and searches and they have seized drugs off 12 people.

We’ve also been fighting to retain the North Birmingham Urgent Care Centre in Erdington since the NHS announced they were looking at closing the site on the High Street. We’ve written to them, raised concerns at the Health Scrutiny Committee and been in various press articles calling for the centre to stay open.

Over Christmas we will be meeting directors from the NHS to put forward our case for the centre staying.

Cllr Gareth Moore and I love this time of year and the wonderful events that the Erdington Community put on to celebrate Christmas. It is an honour to support as many as possible of the wonderful Christmas events local residents host, such as the one at the Abbey Church (pictured).

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year Erdington!

For more from Erdington’s Councillor Robert Alden and Councillor Gareth Jones visit

OPINION: Erdington Cllr Robert Alden, Leader of Birmingham Conservatives

Words by Erdington Ward Cllr Robert Alden – Leader of Birmingham Conservatives

L-R Cllr Gareth Moore and Cllr Robert Alden outside St Barnabas Church / Pic supplied by Cllr Alden

(Ed’s note – this column was written for the Erdington Local printed edition and first published on 15.11.24)

This Remembrance Sunday Cllr Gareth Moore and myself, as we do every year, joined parishioners at St Barnabas Church for their Act of Remembrance and to lay wreaths remembering those who gave their everything so that we could all live free.

We owe so much to those who gave up their lives both during the two world wars and also in other conflicts defending freedom and democracy and we should never forget their sacrifice.

Thank you to everyone across North Birmingham who took part or organised Acts of Remembrance this year.

It is a wonderful testament to our local community here in Erdington that we still have events like Remembrance Sunday and Walk of Witness each year.

Elsewhere this month we have been continuing our campaign to try and save Erdington Library from the bankrupt Labour Council’s attempts to shut down services in suburbs like ours.

Sadly, the Council has now announced a new plan which will see Erdington Library lose a day a week opening time, without any other library in the north gaining that day.

We have been clear to the Council that Erdington Library, as a key part of our High Street and community, should remain open full time. It is a valuable resource for young and old alike helping those without internet or book access, etc to be able to do more.

We will continue to oppose the Labour Council’s slashing of our valuable local resources.

For more from Erdington’s Councillor Robert Alden and Councillor Gareth Jones visit

OPINION: Erdington Cllr Robert Alden, Leader of Birmingham Conservatives

Words by Erdington Ward Cllr Robert Alden – Leader of Birmingham Conservatives

L-R Cllr Moore, Cllr Alden – Erdington Ward, Conservatives / Pic by Ed King

Cllr Gareth Moore and myself have been working with residents to try and improve road safety in a number of areas across Erdington Ward over the last year.

As part of that work, we raised at the last Council meeting the need for a number of improvements to take place including average Speed Cameras on the Chester Road to tackle speeding drivers.

Over the last year we have had yellow lines installed at a number of locations around the ward to tackle dangerous parking at junctions to try and make them safer, including on Gravelly Lane (at the junction of Oliver and Somerset Roads) Fosseway Drive and Hayes Grove.

Following a number of serious incidents at the junction of Kingsbury Road and Spring Lane, we have had plans drawn up to make changes to the layout to try and slow the speed cars take the corner so to make it safer for residents.

These have been consulted on locally with nearby residents and earlier this year Gareth and I secured funding for them so they will be installed in the coming months.

In previous years the Council has given each ward a pot of funding for minor works road safety improvements locally to be made where residents want them.

Sadly, now the Council has axed funding from those wards which used it, while keeping it for wards that haven’t spent last year’s funding yet (mostly Labour Councillor wards). This will make it harder to keep local roads safe.

For more from Erdington’s Councillor Robert Alden and Councillor Gareth Jones visit

OPINION: Erdington Cllr Robert Alden, Leader of Birmingham Conservatives

Words and pics supplied by Erdington Ward Cllr Robert Alden – Leader of Birmingham Conservatives

This month has seen Cllr Gareth Moore and I, pictured at the recent consultation event at Erdington Library, continuing our campaign to save Erdington Library and working with Cllr Clifton Welch to try and also save Kingstanding and Perry Common Libraries.

It was therefore great to see so many people attending the recent consultation event at Erdington Library.

Erdington has had the largest attendance out of all the Council consultation events held so far. We will continue to be keeping the pressure on the Labour Administration at Birmingham City Council in the weeks ahead.

We’ve also had the latest High Street Task [Force] meeting discussing crime and anti-social behaviour. We discussed the good news that pressure for more police officers locally has started to deliver with the news the Erdington Police Team has been expanded with an extra officer.

Regarding tackling drug dealing, a dealer was arrested on High Street in early September with at least 12 wraps of drugs for sale on them.

We continue to push for additional CCTV on the High Street to help catch criminal behaviour, a CCTV application has been prepared by the Council’s Community Safety Team which is to be submitted to the CCTV team for them to progress.

Finally, we have raised the need to secure a renewal of the Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) on the High Street which expires at the end of the year.

For more from Erdington’s Councillor Robert Alden and Councillor Gareth Jones visit

OPINION: Erdington Cllr Robert Alden, Leader of Birmingham Conservatives

Words and pics supplied by Erdington Ward Cllr Robert Alden – Leader of Birmingham Conservatives

(Ed’s note – this column was written for the Erdington Local printed edition and first published on 15.08.24)

One of the things that makes Cllr Gareth Moore and I so proud to represent Erdington is the brilliant community we have locally.

Over the last month we have seen lots of examples of these amazing residents at work. We joined members of Erdington Litter Busters for their monthly clean up in Short Heath Park off Court Lane at the start of August, where they collected dozens of bags of rubbish.

Later this month we helped Lisa Burns, who runs the Erdington crochet knit and natter group, deliver dozens of handmade teddy bears to the local Police at Erdington Police Station and to Good Hope Hospital.

Lisa and her team have done an amazing job, and all these bears will go to good use helping children in need. If you are interested in joining the group they meet on Saturdays at Highcroft Community Centre, Slade Road, 2pm till 5pm. There is a small charge to cover room hire and tea or coffee, and biscuits are provided.

Finally, we have also been working with local neighbourhood watch groups to encourage increased reporting of crime in our area, especially around the High Street. Working with the Council and Police, a task force aimed at tackling crime around the High Street has been established.

The Business Improvement District are also involved, to try and ensure that extra Police resources are committed to Erdington we need to ensure that any crime people see is reported either directly to the Police, or to Crimestoppers.

For more from Erdington’s Councillor Robert Alden and Councillor Gareth Jones visit

OPINION: Erdington Cllr Robert Alden, Leader of Birmingham Conservatives

Words and pics supplied by Erdington Ward Cllr Robert Alden – Leader of Birmingham Conservatives

Over the last month Cllr Gareth Moore and I have been out supporting community events, continuing our work to save Erdington Library, pushing the Police and Council for action around crime on the High Street and getting our hands dirty to help clear graffiti from a couple of road signs.

We were delighted to support the recent 20th Birthday celebrations for local youth charity Urban Devotion and to attend the 100th anniversary dinner of Erdington Rugby Club to celebrate all their efforts over the years.

Following the very concerning resent incidents we have written to the Chief Constable of West Midlands Police to ask for the reinstatement of a dedicated Police team for the High Street that the previous Constable axed.

We also joined the launch meeting for a joint Erdington BID, Police and Council task force setup to try and resolve some of the crime and ASB issues on the High Street. Please make sure you report to the Police any incidents you witness as this will help secure additional funding and officers for the High Street. Sadly, currently incidents are rarely reported, therefore please don’t leave it to others.

Residents recently contacted Gareth and I about graffiti the Council failed to clear from road signs on the Chester Road and Sutton Road near to the Yenton junction. We therefore went out and got our hands dirty to get it cleared off (see picture).

We have ‘Pride in Erdington’ and won’t let the Council’s failings bring our area down.

For more from Erdington’s Councillor Robert Alden and Councillor Gareth Jones visit

OPINION: Erdington Cllr Robert Alden, Leader of Birmingham Conservatives

Words and pics supplied by Erdington Ward Cllr Robert Alden – Leader of Birmingham Conservatives

It has been another busy month, here is some of what Cllr Gareth Moore and I have been up to:

Summer has arrived and so has the summer fete season, kicked off by a wonderful Arts and Crafts Fayre at St Barnabas Church, which Gareth and I attended. This included the launch of a historical exhibition of old photos of Erdington by the Erdington Historical Society.

It’s always great to see the wonderful range of community events that take place each year, put on and run by local volunteers.

Sadly, over the last month the High Street has had a series of serious criminal incidents. We’ve met with a number of local residents about these and are in contact with local Police.

These incidents are totally unacceptable, and it is vital that more is done by West Midlands Police to ensure residents in Erdington are kept safe and anyone causing ASB or crime on the High Street are not allowed to continue this behaviour.

We will of course do all we can to try and secure additional policing resources from West Midlands Police to support our excellent local policing team.

This month we’ve also been at the latest project meeting for the Erdington Baths Scheme. The £4m needed for converting the baths into an Enterprise Hub has now been secured.

Witton Lodge Community Association, who are running the delivery of the scheme, are hoping work will start later in the summer.

For more from Erdington’s Councillor Robert Alden and Councillor Gareth Jones visit

OPINION: Erdington Cllr Robert Alden, Leader of Birmingham Conservatives

Words and pics supplied by Erdington Ward Cllr Robert Alden – Leader of Birmingham Conservatives

The last month has been busy as always, with colleagues and I continuing to push a number of campaigns to support residents.

Together with Kingstanding local campaigner, Clifton Welch, we recently met with staff from the NHS to continue to push for Warren Farm Urgent Care Centre (soon to be closed for urgent roof repairs) to be reopened longer term.

I have also been supporting Clifton Welch with his new ‘Pride in Kingstanding’ campaign that has seen him clearing dozens of bags of rubbish off the streets of Kingstanding, including clearing the alley between Gainford Road and College Road and clean numerous road signs locally to remove graffiti and dirt.

Cllr Gareth Moore and I were also joined by Kingstanding Campaigner Clifton Welch, who is leading the campaign to keep Perry Common and Kingstanding Libraries open, and Parliamentary Spokesperson Steve Knee at the public consultation event on the future of libraries in the city.

We have been clear to the Council that we think Erdington, Kingstanding and Perry Common Libraires should be protected and remain open.

We have put forward a fully costed alternative, approved by Council officers, which would allow the Labour administration to scrap their plan to close our libraires. We will continue to push them to listen to the calls of residents.

Finally, thank you to everyone who voted for Andy Street in the recent West Midlands Mayoral election, sadly Andy lost by under 2000 votes across the whole urban West Midlands..

For more from Erdington’s Councillor Robert Alden and Councillor Gareth Jones visit