OPINION: Erdington Cllr Robert Alden, Leader of Birmingham Conservatives

Words and pics supplied by Erdington Ward Cllr Robert Alden – Leader of Birmingham Conservatives

Over the last month Cllr Gareth Moore and I have been out supporting community events, continuing our work to save Erdington Library, pushing the Police and Council for action around crime on the High Street and getting our hands dirty to help clear graffiti from a couple of road signs.

We were delighted to support the recent 20th Birthday celebrations for local youth charity Urban Devotion and to attend the 100th anniversary dinner of Erdington Rugby Club to celebrate all their efforts over the years.

Following the very concerning resent incidents we have written to the Chief Constable of West Midlands Police to ask for the reinstatement of a dedicated Police team for the High Street that the previous Constable axed.

We also joined the launch meeting for a joint Erdington BID, Police and Council task force setup to try and resolve some of the crime and ASB issues on the High Street. Please make sure you report to the Police any incidents you witness as this will help secure additional funding and officers for the High Street. Sadly, currently incidents are rarely reported, therefore please don’t leave it to others.

Residents recently contacted Gareth and I about graffiti the Council failed to clear from road signs on the Chester Road and Sutton Road near to the Yenton junction. We therefore went out and got our hands dirty to get it cleared off (see picture).

We have ‘Pride in Erdington’ and won’t let the Council’s failings bring our area down.

For more from Erdington’s Councillor Robert Alden and Councillor Gareth Jones visit www.facebook.com/ErdingtonNews

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