Words and pics supplied by Erdington Ward Cllr Robert Alden – Leader of Birmingham Conservatives
It has been another busy month, here is some of what Cllr Gareth Moore and I have been up to:
Summer has arrived and so has the summer fete season, kicked off by a wonderful Arts and Crafts Fayre at St Barnabas Church, which Gareth and I attended. This included the launch of a historical exhibition of old photos of Erdington by the Erdington Historical Society.
It’s always great to see the wonderful range of community events that take place each year, put on and run by local volunteers.
Sadly, over the last month the High Street has had a series of serious criminal incidents. We’ve met with a number of local residents about these and are in contact with local Police.
These incidents are totally unacceptable, and it is vital that more is done by West Midlands Police to ensure residents in Erdington are kept safe and anyone causing ASB or crime on the High Street are not allowed to continue this behaviour.
We will of course do all we can to try and secure additional policing resources from West Midlands Police to support our excellent local policing team.
This month we’ve also been at the latest project meeting for the Erdington Baths Scheme. The £4m needed for converting the baths into an Enterprise Hub has now been secured.
Witton Lodge Community Association, who are running the delivery of the scheme, are hoping work will start later in the summer.
For more from Erdington’s Councillor Robert Alden and Councillor Gareth Jones visit www.facebook.com/ErdingtonNews