NEWS: Police and Crime Commissioner confirms “no final decision” has been made on moving Neighbourhood Policing Team off Castle Vale

Words by Ed King

PCC Simon Foster at the launch of Operation Fearless at Villa Park / Pic by Ed King

After months of speculation the Tyburn Neighbourhood Policing Team (NPT) could be moved off Castle Vale and relocated to Erdington Town Centre, the West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) Simon Foster has now confirmed “no final decision has been made” and any plans are “still under review”.

Castle Vale Local was first informed about the possible Tyburn NPT move in autumn last year, which would see the team of community police officers moved to Erdington Police Station – placing them at least 50minutes walking distance away from the edge of the Castle Vale estate and an average of between 12-20minutes if responding in a police car or vehicle.

A map of the area covered by the Tyburn Neighbourhood Policing Team / Image taken from WMP website

When asked for confirmation if the move was imminent, or being considered at all, spokespeople for both West Midlands Police (WMP) and the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (OPPC) were initially unclear as to who would be making the final decision.

But speaking to Castle Vale Local at the recent launch of Operation Fearless, held at Villa Park on Tuesday 7 January, PCC Simon Foster confirmed that whilst “ultimately that is an operational policing decision for the Chief Constable and the local area police borough commander” his office was not aware that any plans had been finalised.

Chief Constable Craig Guildford at the launch of Operation Fearless at Villa Park / Pic by Ed King

Furthermore, the West Midlands Police Chief Constable Craig Guildford confirmed if there was a financially viable option to keep the Tyburn NPT on Castle Vale then “of course [the police would] look at that.”

He added: “In particular, it might be good as a touchdown point for some of our neighbourhood cops and PCSOs. So, I’d never rule anything out. But I’m just being honest and saying my job is to make the pounds go as far as I can squeeze them.”

In previous statements from West Midlands Police, after initial enquiries and calls for clarification, Superintendent Emlyn Richards told Castle Vale Local: “The Tyburn neighbourhood policing team remain based in Castle Vale, however, our lease on their office expires in 2025.”

Reiterating the Chief Constable’s financial concerns surrounding some operational decisions, he added: “Understandably we’re exploring all possibilities to ensure good value for public money balanced our commitment to delivering effective policing.”

Police car parked on Farnborough Road, Castle Vale / Pic by Ed King

When the possible move of the Tyburn NPT was first reported on by Castle Vale Local, Castle Vale Councillor Ray Goodwin (Labour) and The Pioneer Group CEO Simon Wilson began petitioning the police for consultation before any plans were finalised – raising significant concerns about a spike in crime and anti-social behaviour if the public facing police team were to leave the estate.

Since being elected in 2022, Cllr Goodwin fostered a close working relationship with the Tyburn NPT police team and was seen by many, both stakeholders and residents, as having helped the police tackle crime across the estate.

In May 2024, Cllr Goodwin organised a ‘Crime and Community Safety Summit’ at Greenwood Academy on Farnborough Road, to address residents concerns over crime rates and police presence across the estate. The event was attended by many local residents, alongside Erdington MP Paulette Hamilton, PCC Simon Foster, and the then Tyburn NPT Sergeant Edkins.

Broken police tape by the old police station on Castle Vale High Street / Pic by Ed King

After the closure of the police station on Castle Vale High Street, The Pioneer Group had been providing the Tyburn NPT with working space at The Greenhouse – office facilities owned by the housing provider in the centre of the estate – where the local police ran a ‘pop up’ police facility for local residents.

This had been given by The Pioneer Group without rental charges, with the police only liable for “their share of service charges for use of space in our building”, confirmed CEO Simon Wilson, and if the NPT sought to renew their lease “the core terms [would] remain the same – share of service charges and peppercorn rent ( rent).”

Mr Wilson added “This was to help ensure we could keep the Neighbourhood Policing Team located on Castle Vale.”

In an open letter to both the Chief Constable and Police and Crime Commissioner, written and signed by both Cllr Ray Goodwin and Simon Wilson, the local stakeholders expressed their “very genuine concern” and called for any action to be “put on hold” until “meaningful engagement is undertaken” to reach a solution that would not see Castle Vale lose its uniformed police presence.

Police and forenics investigating a violent attack and reports of gunfire on Castle Vale / Pic supplied by local resident

Both West Midlands Police and the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner continue to state that working with partners, such as locally elected officials and housing associations, is a key part of their neighbourhood policing strategy.

In the recent West Midlands Police Neighbourhood Policing Ambition document, setting out the regionwide approach to community policing until 2026, Chief Constable Craig Guildford states how the new “neighbourhood policing model [will] ensure we remain connected and engaged with our communities [and] continue to work with partners” – a sentiment reiterated throughout the sixteen-page mission statement.

Castle Vale Local continues to liaise with all parties involved and will keep our readers updated.

For more on the Tyburn Neighbourhood Police Team, visit:


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