NEWS: Free workshop to help people find opportunities in journalism or creative industries – Saturday 10 August

On Saturday 10 August, a free to access workshop will be helping people find opportunities within journalism or the creative industries.

Held at Spitfire House, on Castle Vale High Street, the GET WRITING GET WORKING workshop will be a relaxed introduction on how to get ‘work ready’ and build a creative portfolio – that could lead to professional work and experience in media.

It will also teach participants the basic tools of the creative industry trade, such as how to pitch a story or project idea, how to build an industry network, and how to approach editors or potential employers.

Completely free to attend, and with no previous experience required, places are still available to people from across Castle Vale and the wider Erdington constituency.

Places are limited and allocated on a first come first served basis – to secure your place at the GET WRITING GET WORKING workshop on Saturday 10 August email: [email protected]

N.B. Travel support can be provided for people with mobility issues, coming from within the Erdington constituency – please contact organisers for further details.

The workshop will also include a Q&A session with creative industry professionals – covering topics such as digital publishing, online platforms for professional creatives, and how to both access and navigate arts funding.

There will also be a chance to meet and ask questions to Express and Star Senior Reporter Adam Smith – who has an extensive career in national and regional journalism, reporting on stories from the Barack Obama presidential campaign to the Covid pandemic.

Those who progress with the GET WRITING GET WORKING project will also be given a professional brief through Erdington Local, such as writing a news story for publication or helping design part of the newspaper or website.

Professional mentors can also be allocated to those engaged with the GET WRITING GET WORKING project, given more one to one professional support and guidance.

Project Lead, Ed King, told: “GET WRITING GET WORKING is a great opportunity for anyone wanting to take professional steps into the world or journalism, or to explore opportunities in the wider creative industries.

“It will give participants the basic skills and approaches needed to ‘break in’, such as how to pitch an idea or build a portfolio – valuable lessons, but simple enough for anyone to understand. Then there will be ongoing mentor and one to one support.”

He added: “So often people think they can’t, when in fact they very much can – and it’s just a simple nudge I the right direction that they need to get started.

“The GET WRIITNG GET WORKING project is a relaxed and friendly environment, which will help build people’s confidence as well as open doors for them in the creative industries.”

Having held previous workshops in Erdington Town Centre and online, the GET WRITING GET WORKING project has already helped people across Erdington take their first steps into journalism and the creative industries.

Further workshops and online activity will be organised , with people asked to email [email protected] for more information.

GET WRITING GET WORKING is a project designed and delivered by LOCAL AMBASSADORS, with support from partners including Birmingham City Council, the UK Government, the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities, the West Midlands Combined Authority, and Witton Lodge Community Association.

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