COMMUNITY ANCHORS: Christmas, a time of hope and community across Erdington

Words by Urban Devotion Birmingham (UDB)

(Ed’s note – this column was written for the Erdington Local printed edition and first published on 20.12.24)

All over Erdington there are Christmas lights twinkling from windows. For many, this is a season filled with joy. For others, it’s more complicated.

Wherever you stand, Christmas carries a powerful message: light shines in the darkness, and the darkness cannot overcome it.

At Christmas, we celebrate God stepping into a dark world, arriving as a baby to bring hope that changes everything. In uncertain or heavy moments, the birth of Jesus reminds us that God’s love is present.

In the bible it puts is like this: “The true light that gives light to everyone was coming into the world.” (John 1:9)

Life’s challenges don’t vanish with the turn of a calendar page, but Christmas reminds us that we don’t have to face them alone. The light of Jesus shines in the darkest places, offering hope to carry us forward.

In Erdington, UDB works to be a light through our support of children and young people. Our drop-ins provide a space to connect, have fun, and discover hope for the future. If you’d like to learn more, scan the QR code.

From all of us at UDB, we wish you a Merry Christmas. We look forward to seeing you in the New Year!

For more on Urban Devotion Birmingham visit

Urban Devotion Birmingham is a key partner in the Erdington Local COMMUNITY ANCHORS programme, supporting independent local and community journalism.

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