BACK TO SCHOOL: Looking back and looking ahead at Kingsthorne Primary School

Words and pics supplied by Kingsthorne Primary School

(Ed’s note – this BACK TO SCHOOL article was first written for the Erdington Local printed edition and published on 17.01.25)

Disco ball and party lights / Pic taken from Adobe Stock Images

The run up to Christmas was very exciting at Kingsthorne with lots of special activities and events. On Thursday 12 December the school held its first after school disco since lockdown.

Children from all ages came and ate pizza and chips and there were prizes for the best dancers!

The following day was the House Challenge. Normal lessons were cancelled for the morning and the children got into their houses: Earth, Fire, Water, and Ice. They spent the time making things to sell at the Christmas market in the afternoon.

The house that raised the most money would be crowned the winner! Congratulations to Earth house who raised over £180.

Aberdovery beach and seafront, Wales / Pic taken from Adobe Stock Images

There were festive parties; Reception and Nursery charmed the parents with their re-telling of the nativity story and on the last day we walked down to the local church, St Lukes, for a Christmas service.

There were carols and readings and the ukulele group put together a medley of seasonal songs.

Looking ahead to 2025 there are lots of exciting events planned, including a Y4 residential visit to the Chester Trafford Youth Hostel and the annual Y6 trip to Aberdovey.

For more on Kingsthorne Primary School visit

Kingsthorne Primary School is part of the Erdington Local BACK TO SCHOOL programme, working together to celebrate school life from staffroom to classroom.

If your school would like to know more about going BACK TO SCHOOL with Erdington Local please email: [email protected]

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