BACK TO SCHOOL: Kingsthorne Primary School’s Year 6 visit Outward Bound Centre at Aberdovey

Words by Neveah in Y6 / Pics supplied by Kingsthorne Primary School

15 – 19 April were the dates of the first ever Kingsthorne Y6, four night residential to the Outward Bound Centre at Aberdovey.

The 41 children and six staff that went were truly pioneers. We all had an unforgettable experience and a great time.

The views of the estuary and beyond were gorgeous, particularly when it was sunny. We saw lots of nature too including cows, crabs, and jellyfish!

During our time at Aberdovey we conquered many fears and completed lots of fun activities. Some of the activities that we did consisted of abseiling, gorge walking, jetty jumping, and the jog and dip.

Two of my favourite activities were the jetty jump and the gorge walk. Both of these were incredibly fun, even if you did get absolutely soaking.

I learnt a lot on this trip including how to be more resilient and independent. I even learned how to make a duvet – now there is a skill for life!

Many people overcame their fears and made memories that they will never forget.

Kingsthorne Year 6 students at Aberdovey, Wales

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Kingsthorne Primary School is part of the Erdington Local BACK TO SCHOOL programme, working together to celebrate school life from staffroom to classroom.

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