Words and pic supplied by Jack Brookes
The system is not broken. It is doing what is designed to do: kill the good; elevate the evil.
Huw Edwards should be rotting in a cell. But he is not. However, post a Tweet that the government does not like… in the cage you go. The communists are to blame. Starmer and his cabal set a precedent. There is a theme with the BBC. Time to finally scrap the licence. Not to mention the grooming gangs and not deporting foreign criminals – Tories are equally disgustingly guilty in these crimes. But what do you expect when the commies constantly call these nonces, “Minor Attracted Person” (MAPs)?
If a child can consent to sterilisation… what else can they consent to? Hence why there is a rise in GaysAgainstGroomers, which has my full support. For me it’s, “Do what you want, but leave the kids alone.”
On top of this, we have the pensioners having their winter fuel payments stripped. This Labour government, by its own sources, know that this will result in excess deaths – hypocrisy on display.
This government and the establishment hate you. How much more evidence do you need?
Come the elections… you have a choice: freedom or tyranny. Once freedom is lost, you have to go to the extremes to get it back. And the extremes are not what I advocate.
As I have said before… “Peacefully come out of the system.” Violence is an extreme last resort and should be used only in self-defence.
For more on Jack Brookes from Reform UK visit www.reformparty.uk/birmingham-erdington-constituency