OPINION: Jack Brookes, Erdington parliamentary candidate for Reform UK

Words and pic supplied by Jack Brookes

The system is not broken. It is doing what is designed to do: kill the good; elevate the evil.

Huw Edwards should be rotting in a cell. But he is not. However, post a Tweet that the government does not like… in the cage you go. The communists are to blame. Starmer and his cabal set a precedent. There is a theme with the BBC. Time to finally scrap the licence. Not to mention the grooming gangs and not deporting foreign criminals – Tories are equally disgustingly guilty in these crimes. But what do you expect when the commies constantly call these nonces, “Minor Attracted Person” (MAPs)?

If a child can consent to sterilisation… what else can they consent to? Hence why there is a rise in GaysAgainstGroomers, which has my full support. For me it’s, “Do what you want, but leave the kids alone.”

On top of this, we have the pensioners having their winter fuel payments stripped. This Labour government, by its own sources, know that this will result in excess deaths – hypocrisy on display.

This government and the establishment hate you. How much more evidence do you need?

Come the elections… you have a choice: freedom or tyranny. Once freedom is lost, you have to go to the extremes to get it back. And the extremes are not what I advocate.

As I have said before… “Peacefully come out of the system.” Violence is an extreme last resort and should be used only in self-defence.

For more on Jack Brookes from Reform UK visit www.reformparty.uk/birmingham-erdington-constituency

OPINION: Erdington Cllr Robert Alden, Leader of Birmingham Conservatives

Words and pics supplied by Erdington Ward Cllr Robert Alden – Leader of Birmingham Conservatives

This month has seen Cllr Gareth Moore and I, pictured at the recent consultation event at Erdington Library, continuing our campaign to save Erdington Library and working with Cllr Clifton Welch to try and also save Kingstanding and Perry Common Libraries.

It was therefore great to see so many people attending the recent consultation event at Erdington Library.

Erdington has had the largest attendance out of all the Council consultation events held so far. We will continue to be keeping the pressure on the Labour Administration at Birmingham City Council in the weeks ahead.

We’ve also had the latest High Street Task [Force] meeting discussing crime and anti-social behaviour. We discussed the good news that pressure for more police officers locally has started to deliver with the news the Erdington Police Team has been expanded with an extra officer.

Regarding tackling drug dealing, a dealer was arrested on High Street in early September with at least 12 wraps of drugs for sale on them.

We continue to push for additional CCTV on the High Street to help catch criminal behaviour, a CCTV application has been prepared by the Council’s Community Safety Team which is to be submitted to the CCTV team for them to progress.

Finally, we have raised the need to secure a renewal of the Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) on the High Street which expires at the end of the year.

For more from Erdington’s Councillor Robert Alden and Councillor Gareth Jones visit www.facebook.com/ErdingtonNews

OPINION: A message from Paulette Hamilton, MP for Erdington

Words and pic supplied by Paulette Hamilton MP

(Ed’s note – this column was written for the Erdington Local printed edition and first published on 15.08.24)

As Parliament enters its summer recess and schools have broken up for the holidays, our community in Erdington, Kingstanding, Castle Vale, and South Oscott is bursting with activity. This period is a wonderful opportunity for families to spend quality time together and for me to focus on local issues that matter to you.

I have been very concerned about the recent developments at John Taylor Hospice. That’s why I have written to the local Integrated Care Board (ICB) to express my deep concerns about the hospice’s future.

Recently, I joined the local police and partners for the ‘All Out Day’ event on Erdington High Street. It was a fantastic day of community interaction and engagement. I am also pleased to say that police response officers have been redeployed at Erdington Police Station, strengthening local policing.

I had the pleasure of attending the Hesketh Neighbourhood Watch’s Summer Fete. It was heartwarming to see so many residents come together to celebrate and support each other.

Events like these highlight the strength and unity of our community, especially with the violence and disorder our country is witnessing on our streets. I’m proud to work with our local mosques and places of worship, community groups, and the police to ensure our community is a welcoming place for all.

As we enjoy the summer, let’s continue to work together to address our local challenges and celebrate our successes. Your support and involvement are what makes our community a wonderful place to live and work.

For more on Paulette Hamilton MP for Erdington visit www.paulettehamilton.org

OPINION: Jack Brookes, Erdington parliamentary candidate for Reform UK

Words and pics supplied by Jack Brookes

(Ed’s note – this column was written for the Erdington Local printed edition and first published on 15.08.24)

Britain is broken. Even if we had everything; house paid off, a great job and a family… you and your family are not safe. And if something horrible happens to them then this government acts in a disgustingly weirdly woke way.

It is self-evident that the social contract is now dead. This Totalitarian government will use your tax money – which is taken by force – to fund things against your interest and the National interest.

If you want to bring them down and liberate yourselves then withdraw your money from the bank, use cash, use metal money and don’t pay your taxes. Remember… The Suffragettes went on a tax strike.

The establishment want you to riot and they want this division in order to create enough chaos in order to enact totalitarian powers – covid, Nazi Germany, China and USSR. Do not fall into their trap.

To all communities… there us more that unites us than divides. However, we must all have a mutual respect and desire to live by British values. British is what’s in your heart.

In Liberty, JB.

For more on Jack Brookes from Reform UK visit www.reformparty.uk/birmingham-erdington-constituency

OPINION: Erdington Cllr Robert Alden, Leader of Birmingham Conservatives

Words and pics supplied by Erdington Ward Cllr Robert Alden – Leader of Birmingham Conservatives

(Ed’s note – this column was written for the Erdington Local printed edition and first published on 15.08.24)

One of the things that makes Cllr Gareth Moore and I so proud to represent Erdington is the brilliant community we have locally.

Over the last month we have seen lots of examples of these amazing residents at work. We joined members of Erdington Litter Busters for their monthly clean up in Short Heath Park off Court Lane at the start of August, where they collected dozens of bags of rubbish.

Later this month we helped Lisa Burns, who runs the Erdington crochet knit and natter group, deliver dozens of handmade teddy bears to the local Police at Erdington Police Station and to Good Hope Hospital.

Lisa and her team have done an amazing job, and all these bears will go to good use helping children in need. If you are interested in joining the group they meet on Saturdays at Highcroft Community Centre, Slade Road, 2pm till 5pm. There is a small charge to cover room hire and tea or coffee, and biscuits are provided.

Finally, we have also been working with local neighbourhood watch groups to encourage increased reporting of crime in our area, especially around the High Street. Working with the Council and Police, a task force aimed at tackling crime around the High Street has been established.

The Business Improvement District are also involved, to try and ensure that extra Police resources are committed to Erdington we need to ensure that any crime people see is reported either directly to the Police, or to Crimestoppers.

For more from Erdington’s Councillor Robert Alden and Councillor Gareth Jones visit www.facebook.com/ErdingtonNews

COMMUNITY ANCHORS: When the bonds of community are tested

Words by Afzal Hussain – Chief Officer of Witton Lodge Community Association

(Ed’s note – this column was written for the Erdington Local printed edition and first published on 15.08.24)

At Witton Lodge Community Association, community has always been at the heart of who we are, and what we stand for.

There are times when these bonds of community are tested. Over recent weeks we have seen shocking scenes of violence and attacks against some of the most vulnerable in our society. Despite what some say, we know that these are not protests in the proud traditions of our country, they are acts of deliberate violence and intimidation intended to create fear, sow division and cause chaos.

In Birmingham, we appear to have avoided the worst of these, however, the risk remains, and we must be vigilant.

At these times (of hardship), it is up to all of us to demonstrate who we really are, and what we stand for – our shared values, common humanity, and solidarity. At the worst of times, we often see the best of people, and there have been many uplifting moments of unity and togetherness.

We know that our country has a proud history of overcoming such challenges and emerging even stronger, so whether it was the Blitz spirit during World War II, or more recently the collective response to the COVID-19 pandemic – the power of community has been, and remains, a beacon of hope and unity.

Social media has made life better and easier on many many fronts, however, there is increasing awareness about the dangers of misinformation. Please remain alert and help your neighbours and communities distinguish between facts and falsehoods.

In Erdington, our many communities and local groups play a pivotal role in promoting understanding and fostering cooperation between and within our communities.

This sense of belonging and connection contributes to us all feeling safe. Together we are stronger!

For more on Witton Lodge Community Association, visit www.wittonlodge.org.uk

Witton Lodge Community Association is a key partner in the Erdington Local COMMUNITY ANCHORS programme, supporting independent local and community journalism.

COMMUNITY ANCHORS: We are many, they are few

Words by Simon Wilson, Chief Executive Officer – The Pioneer Group

(Ed’s note – this column was written for the Erdington Local printed edition and first published on 15.08.24)

I want to start by sending my heartfelt sympathy to the family and friends of Alice, Bebe and Elsie from Southport. I grew up nearby with family and friends in that community.

Actions of a minority have only added to their grief and pain. That tragedy be drowned by the far right and their hateful agenda.

At Pioneer, we take equality, diversity and inclusion incredibly seriously. Our staff diversity represents Birmingham, where the last census showed 51.4% of the city’s population has a diverse ethnic background.

Castle Vale, where we manage our homes, has historically been predominantly white British. But over time, as we allocate half of the 100 or so homes that become empty each year to those on the housing register, our community becomes more diverse. The Vale is a vibrant community, welcoming all backgrounds and faiths.

Setting fire to and destroying buildings, like Citizen Advice Bureau offices, libraries and local businesses is wrong. Attacking people because of their faith isn’t protest, it’s fascism.

We should be thoughtful as to where we get our information – disinformation and conspiracy is peddled through media. We should also look out for family, friends and neighbours at this time.

Communities deserve to feel safe and secure in their home and outside. Pioneer stand with those attacked and the emergency services trying to help people.

It was warming to see many people standing against fascism and the far right. We are many and they are few.

For more on The Pioneer Group visit www.pioneergroup.org.uk and for more on Compass Support visit www.compass-support.org.uk

The Pioneer Group and Compass Support are key partners in the Erdington Local COMMUNITY ANCHORS programme – supporting independent local and community journalism.

COMMUNITY ANCHORS: The transforming power of asking why

Words & pics supplied by Urban Devotion Birmingham

(Ed’s note – this column was written for the Erdington Local printed edition and first published on 15.08.24)

It’s a hot day. Walking along the street you spot a group of people looking into a parked car. One has a hammer and you watch as they smash one of the windows. The rest of the group starts cheering.

What’s going on? Would your judgement change depending on whether it was ‘a group of young people’ or ‘a group of old people’?

We make judgements to help us understand situations and keep ourselves and others safe. However, judgements can be skewed by information that isn’t reality. Newspaper headlines, biases, and people’s experiences influence how we feel, think, and the decisions we make.

With the lighter evenings and summer holidays in full swing, there are more children and young people out and about. Each one has their own story, hopes, and fears.

At UDB we want to be available to listen to these young voices and understand their perspectives. By making space, we can better appreciate the actions and intentions of others.

Back to the scenario: the group were young people who spotted a dog panting in a locked car. The owner asked for help having locked their keys in the car, so one of the young people ran to a shop and asked for a hammer.

What if I hadn’t revealed the full story? What story might you have assumed? It’s natural to form judgements, but sometimes it’s worth taking time to hear the whole story. Asking why can transform a situation.

For more on Urban Devotion Birmingham visit www.urbandevotion.org

Urban Devotion Birmingham is a key partner in the Erdington Local COMMUNITY ANCHORS programme, supporting independent local and community journalism.


OPINION: A message from Paulette Hamilton, MP for Erdington

Words and pic supplied by Paulette Hamilton MP

In the early hours of Friday 5 July, millions of people across the country woke up to the news that they had elected a Labour government, putting their faith in change after 14 years of Conservative chaos.

Closer to home, in Erdington, Kingstanding, Castle Vale, and South Oscott, I was proud to be re-elected as your Member of Parliament for the place I call home.

I want to thank everyone who put their trust in me and voted for change. And even if you didn’t vote for me, I will still be your MP and my door is always open.

In my acceptance speech, I emphasised my commitment to continue listening to the voices of local people. A key concern was around Erdington High Street and the work has already started to address the issues, by working with the local police, council, traders, residents, and community groups.

However, I recognise the need for additional support. Improving our High Street remains a top priority for me, which is why I will be raising this issue with the new government.

I will also fight for better funding for the area, support for local residents facing rising costs, more police on the streets, and easier access to GP and dentist appointments. Additionally, I aim to continue confronting the challenges posed by HMOs that are blighting our neighbourhoods.

While the scars of Tory neglect run deep after 14 years of chaos, a new dawn has broken, giving millions across our country hope for the future.

For more on Paulette Hamilton MP for Erdington visit www.paulettehamilton.org

OPINION: Jack Brookes, Reform UK

Pic supplied by Jack Brookes

After leapfrogging the Conservatives into second place in the 2024 General Election, Reform UK parliamentary candidate Jack Brookes wasted no time setting out his agenda as “Erdington’s official opposition” and believes the 7,775 people who declared for him deserve representation in the Erdington political arena.

He told Erdington Local: “Winning second place might have been the end of the General Election but it has signalled the start of being responsible for being the official opposition in Erdington. I have been given a mandate to hold our MP to account and I aim to do that for the next five years.

“The General Election proved people want something else besides the two main parties who are too similar and both lost votes this time round. As well as reflecting the views of Reform UK voters, I am hoping my successes will inspire those from my own generation to get involved in politics.

“This election raised so many issues which residents are struggling with. Law and order must be number one; people are sick of rising crime but also of the complete lack of policing. In Erdington, if you are burgled but manage to collect the evidence and find the culprit you could give it to the police, and they will do nothing.

He added: “Secondly, the local economy is just totally broken; businesses are going to the wall and jobs are hard to find. And the benefits system seems to exist to fund HMOs and deter people from work; I will be looking at job clubs and doing everything to make it worth working.”

“I know people are angry, and my generation are starting to realise the system is broken and we will have to be ones to change it.

“I believe in ungovernable disobedience; they want us to stop using cash, well use cash at the pub. They want to control our food supply, then grow your own vegetables and get some chickens.

“We can challenge the system and change where we live, and a movement is growing.”

For more on Jack Brookes from Reform UK visit www.reformparty.uk/birmingham-erdington-constituency