BACK TO SCHOOL: House teams to encourage collaboration and determination at Marsh Hill Primary School

Words supplied by Marsh Hill Primary School

(Ed’s note – this BACK TO SCHOOL article was first written for the Erdington Local printed edition and published on 17.01.25)

Autumn term 2024 Spelling Bee at Marsh HIll Primary School / Pic supplied by Marsh Hill Primary School

Children at Marsh Hill Primary are being encouraged to work together and learn the benefits of collaboration as the school introduces termly House team competitions.

Each named after a prolific children’s author, the four Houses at Marsh Hill are: Dahl, Rowling, Wilson, and Lewis.

Children across the school will be joining their House to take part and compete in special events each term, which began with the Spelling Bee last autumn – where lots of fun was had as children from each House competed, with House Wilson named the overall winner.

In the spring term another event will be held where the four Houses can join together in competition again, but this time with a focus on maths. In the summer term the House competition will have a sports theme.

As well as showing the children what can be achieved when you work together, the House team events also provide a great way for them to demonstrate determination – which is the school value for January.

Sports balls and accessories / Pic taken from Adobe Stock Images

Deputy Head Teacher Mrs Leavey told: “The House teams are an exciting way for our children to learn to work together, and to compete as a team – as well learning about subjects such as languages, numeracy, and physical activity.

“Our House Captains enjoy their responsibility of collecting the weekly house points and announcing the winner in our whole school assembly.”

She added: “Last term’s Spelling Bee was both fun and educational, and the children had a great time encouraging their peers in their House team. We can’t wait for more events each term where the House teams can come back together again.”

For more on Marsh Hill Primary School visit

Marsh Hill Primary School is part of the Erdington Local BACK TO SCHOOL programme, working together to celebrate school life from staffroom to classroom.

If your school would like to know more about going BACK TO SCHOOL with Erdington Local please email: [email protected]

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