BACK TO SCHOOL: Another busy and exciting month for children at Kingsthorne Primary School

Words and pics supplied by Kingsthorne Primary School

Kingsthorne Nursery children on a bug hunt

Life at Kingsthorne has continued to be very busy this month. Last week, our youngest children in Nursery went on a bug hunt around their outdoor area.

As well as finding ants, earwigs, worms and snails there was the opportunity for mark making and vocabulary development. The children also made a bed for ten in a bed which allowed for physical development and collaborative discussions.

Year 6, travelled further afield on their visit to the Heights of Abraham in Derbyshire. To go, the children had to be at school very early and didn’t get back until after half past 4!

Kingsthorne Year 6 children exploring the caves at Heights of Abraham, Derbyshire

Whilst they were there, they had the chance to explore the caves and discovered how the landscape is now used to support tourism after being mined for many years.

The children had the chance to take a ride on the cable car and experience the amazing view – a first for most of them.  The visit was linked to their learning about mountains around the world.

They have been researching Mount Everest and the hostile climate there – even colder than Kingstanding in winter.

For more on Kingsthorne Primary School visit

Kingsthorne Primary School is part of the Erdington Local BACK TO SCHOOL programme, working together to celebrate school life from staffroom to classroom.

If your school would like to know more about going BACK TO SCHOOL with Erdington Local please email: [email protected]


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