OPINION: Erdington Cllr Robert Alden, Leader of Birmingham Conservatives

Words by Erdington Ward Cllr Robert Alden – Leader of Birmingham Conservatives

(l-r) Cllr Gareth Moore and Cllr Robert Alden at community launch of Operation Fearless at St Barnabas Church / Pic supplied by Cllr Alden

Happy New Year.

Over the last few weeks Cllr Gareth Moore and I have been meeting with officers from the police and the Council in advance of the launch of Operation Fearless to try and ensure its impact is maximised locally, for the benefit of local residents and businesses.

We also recently spoke at the launch of Operation Fearless in the second week of January, where we talked about the need for an increased police presence and tough action to make our local streets safer, about the campaigns Gareth and I have been working on over the last few years for more Police on our streets, for the reopening of the front desk at Erdington Police Station, and more officers to be based there, and for the renewal, strengthening and increased enforcement of the Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) around Erdington High Street.

Over the coming months we’ll be continuing to push the police for results from Operation Fearless to ensure it’s making a difference.

The best chance we have locally of making a difference from these increased police resources is to ensure that everyone is reporting all possible crime and anti-social behaviour that they see locally.

Even if you only have partial descriptions, please do report that information to the police or Crimestoppers so that we can ensure that Erdington is a no-go area for criminals.

We’ve also met with the NHS about the future of the North Birmingham Urgent Treatment Centre.

For more from Erdington’s Councillor Robert Alden and Councillor Gareth Moore visit www.facebook.com/ErdingtonNews

FEATURE: “Golden nuggets” – celebrating Erdington’s volunteers and community groups

Introduction by Ed King

Erdington Litter Busters community litter pick / Pic by Ed King

50% of adults across the UK will be volunteering and giving their free time to local endeavours this year, according to a survey conducted by the National Lottery Community Fund. And Erdington is heavily supported by a widespread array of community groups – bolstering the constituency with everything from litter picking to providing mental health care services.

But the line between Birmingham City Council’s civic duty and the goodwill of local residents has never been thinner, with several longstanding volunteers feeling the city should be more involved.

With Volunteer Week 2025 just over six months away, Erdington Local kickstarts a series of stories, features, and profiles celebrating our local volunteers and community groups.

One of the silver linings from the Coronavirus pandemic was the rise in people volunteering and setting up constituted groups, supporting their community with everything from food distribution to art therapy, domestic violence outreach to keeping the High Street safe. Amidst the fear and suffering, the brightest side of human nature also shone – with many individuals and groups continuing their community work well after the masks came down and the High Streets opened back up.

But beneath the altruism and community spirit that brought so much good over recent years, with half the UK population now looking at volunteering and 14% of them doing so for the first time, there is a growing argument that mismanaged local authorities are pulling back on their statutory obligations as prominent community groups pick up the civic slack.

Kaleidoscope volunteer at Central Square, Erdington High Street / Pic by Ed King

Volunteer Week 2025 starts in June 2025, where people across the country will be encouraged to throw their hat in the ring and get involved in local agendas for free.

Launching a series of articles on the build up next June, Erdington Local asked some existing volunteers and community groups – many of whom rely on the free time given by others – if they felt their support work was properly appreciated by the local authorities.


Lemia, The Shed – Elim Life Church: “We are running a community outreach activity which has invited several volunteers and we still need more to function fully. Therefore, we do appreciate the presence of the volunteers.”

The Recovery Foundation exhibition at Secret Arts Studio Space, Central Square, Erdington High Street / Pic supplied by The Recovery Foundation

Emma Sitole, The Recovery Foundation: “Here at The Recovery Foundation we have seen first-hand how charities and voluntary, grass roots organisations are working hard to support our local community. An already overstretched NHS is struggling to cope with the rise in referrals for mental illness and so the third sector steps up. We see this as a privilege, but it’s not without its challenges.

“To be able to support our community is something we love doing. The Recovery Foundation is built on hope and, to end on our favourite quote ‘Hope, the only thing that by giving away, you get more of.”

Portland Jones, InkWell: “We provide writing sessions for people in recovery from addictions, trauma or life-changing events. What we offer is a different way of meeting people; it is recreational but with additional benefits. It’s a new hobby, a new outlet. Our byline is sharing strength through writing.

“Do we pick up the slack left by other providers? I think what we do is supplement what others do. This is almost a continuation of the recovery process, meeting with people with the same lived experience, who fully understand what you are going through.”

Adam Khan at LGBTQ+ rally in Mexico / Pic supplied by Adam Khan

Adam Khan, LBGT+ activist: “Volunteering helps empower communities to overcome barriers and inaction from other providers and institutions creatively.

“Volunteering helps with community cohesion as it builds trust within the community, and often provides the catalyst needed to provide much-needed provisions for communities, especially for those who feel that they have been left behind due to austerity or lack of commitment from local authorities and the government.”

First meeting on Save Short Heath Playing Fields campaign, on Short Heath Playing Fields / Pic by Ed King

Stephen Hughes, Short Heath Fields Trust: “We have only secured a one-year licence with Birmingham Education Department… under this licence Shirt Heath Fields Trust (SHFT), in partnership with FC Elite, now cut the grass, paint the lines and maintain the playing fields. But still, due to Birmingham City Council’s financial situation, we are waiting and fighting to secure the long-term future of Short Heath Playing Fields (SHPF).

“Local councillors Jane Jones and Amar Khan (Stockland Green, Labour) and neighbouring councillor Jilly Bermingham (Perry Common, Labour) say they’re supporting what SHFT are doing at Bleak Hill Park and SHPF, but what are they actually doing?

“The simple answer is nothing, while SHFT is working hard to develop sport and secure the future of SHPF and struggle to raise funding because we don’t have a long-term lease, these councillors have done nothing.”

Rev. Emma Sykes by St Barnabas Church, Erdington High Street – Pic by Ed King

Rev. Emma Sykes, St Barnabas Church: “We are consistently seeing an increase in numbers of people accessing our community hub for support and signposting to other agencies and support services. There are several areas where we pick up the slack.

“We are constantly dealing with and supporting people with complex mental health issues. We provide a place where [addiction] support services can come and meet with their service users – we are able to provide a safe and free meeting point.

“We are often engaging with both the victims and perpetrators of anti-social behaviour and are able to liaise with the police to aid in reporting offences.

“We regularly are engaging with people who need help with poor housing – SIFA are based with us most Friday afternoons to offer housing support – and our Friday Warm Welcome attendance has increased significantly over the last few weeks and we envisage it will increase further as the colder weather sets in.”

Harold MacDonald-Taylor (3rd right) with Erdington Walking Group (EWG) at Perry Common Library / Pic supplied by EWG

Harold MacDonald-Taylor, volunteer: “I recently volunteered to help out with ‘tarting up’ the outside of the old Erdington Swimming Baths, with Witton Lodge Community Association – who paid for all the materials, wooden planters, soil, bark, plants, shrubs, floor chippings, paint, brushes, etc.

“As well as enjoying the fresh air, exercise, and general banter with the other volunteers, I couldn’t help but notice just how many passersby would go out of their way to come over and say thanks for our efforts.”

Cathy Crossley, Arts All Over the Place: “There are at least three volunteers working away each week, setting up, making tea, welcoming folk and clearing up. Some teach skills to others, from crochet, to how to manage their phone etc.

“The volunteers say it’s a great way of building their confidence and helping them gain experience which could be included on a job application.”

Evening of Creativity live streaming at Secret Arts Studio Space, Central Square, Erdington High Street / Pic by Ed King

Jobe Sullivan, Ceol Agency: “We’ve had some volunteers who have donated 100s of hours over the seven years I’ve been around. That being said, sometimes just one volunteer donating one hour, or literally donating resources, can give you such an incredible will and desire to keep going and can really rally the group.”

“Volunteers that come to mind are Rob Tanley for his tireless work setting up the Erdington Traditional Irish Music Sessions, Mig Braithwaite (sp) for extending this into another, first Sunday session, and Tamara Francis, one of our longest serving camera-volunteers. That’s regular, monthly graft for the community.”

Zuzanna Kiewel, POMOC: “POMOC, a non-profit organisation that organised Eastern European migrants towards justice, safety and community cohesion.

“We have been slowly building our base of Polish migrants in Erdington, aiming to develop a campaign that would eventually involve all residents and create bridges for understanding between different marginalised groups.”

Fundraising at Erdington Court Bowls Club / Pic supplied by Erdington Court Bowls Club

Ray Woods, Erdington Court Bowls Club: “To me volunteers are golden nuggets. They should be treated with respect – and a thank you costs nothing.

“Our Club has no paid staff – we are all volunteers. Some do more than others, but every little bit of help counts when you have a large facility like ours to run.

“At a time when City Council facilities are being cut back, more volunteers than ever are needed in all sorts of ways in the community – including our Club.
“Volunteering can be a great way for younger helpers to build up their CV’s for future employment.”

Erdington Litter Busters community litter pick / Pic by Ed King

Erdington Litter Busters: “Volunteering is not only good for the community but can improve a person’s physical and mental health and wellbeing. It encourages someone to learn new skills, to make new friends and above all to give something back to society.

“Getting out into the local area will develop a sense of connection to others, enhance one’s confidence, improve how things work for the better and above all, show commitment.”

PICTURE GALLERY: Community groups and volunteers from across the Erdington constituency

Erdington Local is looking to expand its network of COMMUNITY ANCHORS, volunteers, and community groups. If you are an active member of the local community we want to hear from you.

Please email our Erdington Local COMMUNITY ANCHORS correspondent, Hema Chumber: [email protected]

OPINION: Erdington Cllr Robert Alden, Leader of Birmingham Conservatives

Words by Erdington Ward Cllr Robert Alden – Leader of Birmingham Conservatives

L-R Cllr Gareth Moore and Cllr Robert Alden outside St Barnabas Church / Pic supplied by Cllr Alden

(Ed’s note – this column was written for the Erdington Local printed edition and first published on 15.11.24)

This Remembrance Sunday Cllr Gareth Moore and myself, as we do every year, joined parishioners at St Barnabas Church for their Act of Remembrance and to lay wreaths remembering those who gave their everything so that we could all live free.

We owe so much to those who gave up their lives both during the two world wars and also in other conflicts defending freedom and democracy and we should never forget their sacrifice.

Thank you to everyone across North Birmingham who took part or organised Acts of Remembrance this year.

It is a wonderful testament to our local community here in Erdington that we still have events like Remembrance Sunday and Walk of Witness each year.

Elsewhere this month we have been continuing our campaign to try and save Erdington Library from the bankrupt Labour Council’s attempts to shut down services in suburbs like ours.

Sadly, the Council has now announced a new plan which will see Erdington Library lose a day a week opening time, without any other library in the north gaining that day.

We have been clear to the Council that Erdington Library, as a key part of our High Street and community, should remain open full time. It is a valuable resource for young and old alike helping those without internet or book access, etc to be able to do more.

We will continue to oppose the Labour Council’s slashing of our valuable local resources.

For more from Erdington’s Councillor Robert Alden and Councillor Gareth Jones visit www.facebook.com/ErdingtonNews

FEATURE: “I don’t think there’s enough celebrating the present,” local poet Joe Cook pays homage to Erdington’s modern-day achievements with ‘Odeington’

Words by Ed King / Pics by Grant Archer – with screenshots from the film by Chris Neophytou

‘Odeington’ / Screenshot from film by Chris Neophytou

Erdington born poet and spoken word artist, Joe Cook, has penned an homage to the lives and achievements of people from where calls home.

‘Odeington’ was commissioned as part of the St Barnabas Church bicentennial, to commemorate the cultural legacy of an area that gets more than its fair share Black Sabbath references. But born and raised in Stockland Green, Joe Cook wanted his words to stand testament to the modern day success stories from Kingstanding to Castle Vale.

Erdington Local caught up with the prolific poet, youth worker, and creative, to find out just what drums he thinks the North Birmingham constituency should be banging louder.


The urban myth suggests if you type ‘Erdington’ into an online search engine you’ll see mainly news story about crime. The reality is you will, from media outlets reporting on crime. Ours included (although I hope we present more balanced content).

But you’ll also see Council information, estate agent postings, links to local facilities and sports clubs, historical features – albeit many about now aging rockers on Erdington High Street, and a range of “top rated holiday rentals” from Air B’n’B.

Image by Grant Archer

Desperate to reset the narrative, Stockland Green born and raised poet and spoken word artist, Joe Cook, used a recent commission to celebrate the modern day success stories from across the North Birmingham constituency – arguing when you start to refocus and scratch a more positive surface, there is quite a lot of them. And if you want to get all postcode and territorial about it, more than most.

“What I was really trying to get across, is that a lot of people in Erdington they often talk retrospectively – like, ‘it used to be great, it used to be this,” tells Joe Cook, after giving Erdington Local a sneak peak look and listen to his poem ‘Odeington’ – a portmanteau titled celebration of where he was born and raised.

“[People say] we used to have Mothers,” Erdington’s iconic music club and worldwide musical blue plaque, “and how amazing it was, and a lot of the online groups celebrate things in the past.” You can sense a restrained frustration from a man who used words for a living, “and I don’t think there’s enough celebrating the present.”

Image by Grant Archer

Without letting the stray cat out of the coal sack, Cook’s lyrics in ‘Odeington’ challenge the too often held view that Erdington is “all kind of hot spot here, think it’s just gunshot here, police line do not cross here” – delivered in a heartfelt piece to camera filmed underneath the Spaghetti Junction, as part of the accompanying video shot by local artists and filmmaker Chris Neophytou.

“And I just feel like everyone has this… I call them ‘Erdington ex-pats’ in the poem,” continues Cook, “saying ‘oh it used to be like this…’ but there’s still good community stuff happening here.”

Erdington has a vast network of local activists and community groups, again arguably more than other areas of the city, from the award-winning Erdington Litter Busters to the softer touch socially inclusive Erdington Walking Group.

There is also a significant Central and Eastern European support network, a raft of religious and secular ‘warm spaces’, and widespread grassroots mental health support services – growing from the legacy of Highcroft and Northcroft hospitals and the tragedy of the ‘Care in the Community’ programme.

‘Odeington’ / Screenshot from film by Chris Neophytou

Then you have the musical lineage that spawned from the onetime Erdington High Street music venue, Mothers – with local legends like Black Sabbath, Led Zepplin, and Judas Priest notched on its bedpost. But as Cook’s lyrics warn: “we can’t spend our days spinning soundtracks, throwbacks, staring at blue plaques, we’ve got to welcome the next acts.”

“From a musical perspective there’s good [contemporary] artists that have come out of Erdington and still are doing stuff,” argues Cook, who has long championed local and upcoming artists through his verse and wider creative endeavours.

“That was the kind of tone I was going for; I was trying to celebrate some of the stuff that came out of [Erdington] but not just doing the obvious things.

“I do talk about Mothers, but I also talk about Lady Sanity, Aashley Allen, Reuben Reynolds, and Mist… and Hoodrich [clothing brand], you know, and the guy that founded that was from Erdington.” All now internationally known names who were born from humble beginning across B23 or B24.

Cook is quick to add the B44 born Jilted Royalty clothing line to the list of local luminaries too, whose internationally loved and respected founder, Jay Read, recently passed away.

Image by Grant Archer

“He was from Kingstanding,.. and he was a really influential streetwear slash creative guy.” The ‘Odeington’ poet can been seen sporting one of Jilted Royalty’s limited edition t-shirts in the accompanying video.

Outside of music, Joe Cook uses ‘Odeington’ to champion the vibrant local sports community – and if you think that’s a stretch, the hyperbole is anchored by a 1500 capacity. four pitch football football stadium nestled behind a children’s play area on Farnborough Fields, Castle Vale.

“And I talk a little bit about Lean Edwards,” adds Cook, “there’s a lot of people who have come from Erdington or come via Erdington which I think is something really important,” giving the Erdington adopted MMA World Champion his resoundingly deserved dues.

But the starting point for this hand-crafted love letter to Erdington’s contemporaries is altogether more visceral. And as with many wars and marriages, it begins over food.

‘Odeington’ / Screenshot from film by Chris Neophytou

“My initial inspiration was when I was walking from [Erdington] train station and I could smell jerk chicken,” explains Joe Cook. “Then there’s an Italian [restaurant], then a Romanian, then you go down the road and there’s a Vietnamese… and that was my starting point – we’ve got all these cultures right here, all this cuisine. And that made me start thinking outwards about it.”

But behind the food lies a cultural melting pot which mirrors Cook’s own family experience, after his mother’s family moved to Erdington from the back to backs in Hockley and his dad’s Irish/Maltese family followed from Balsall Heath after emigrating to the UK.

Erdington is a place, like many other industrial or port town and cities, that was carved out of stones from all corners of the world – giving it strong foundations and a rich history, but on occasion rocks to throw.

And when it comes to using his words to celebrate his community, Joe Cook takes his position as local poet as seriously as the youth engagement work he has delivered across the region.

‘Odeington’ / Screenshot from film by Chris Neophytou

“I think the idea of being a laureate, or in the West African tradition of a griot, or folk music, it’s all about that localisation and communities – and art should try and serve the community as best as possible,” tells Cook, who has previously been shortlisted for Birmingham Laureate, “and these are the best kind of examples of what poetry should be, to me.”

“I think North Birmingham is forgotten about in a lot of ways, economically and whatever, [but] one of the amazing things about Erdington is that people do have each other’s back and do try and help each other.

“We haven’t got this big infrastructure; we haven’t got these big community hubs. But there’s these little pockets of grassroots activities that make a big impact on people’s lives. And that’s what I’d want to shout about more.”

‘Odeington’ – written and performed by Joe Cook, film by Chris Neophytou

For more on Joe Cook visit www.jcrhythmandpoetry.bandcamp.com or follow him on Instagram at www.instagram.com/joecook349

For more from Chris Neophytou visit www.linktr.ee/chris_neophytou

NEWS: Online release of ‘Odeington’ celebrates the modern day achievements from Kingstanding to Castle Vale

Words by Ed King / Pics by Grant Archer – with screenshots from the film by Chris Neophytou

‘Odeington’ / Screenshot from film by Chris Neophytou

(Ed’s note – the Oct/Nov printed edition of Erdington Local has a cover story interview with Joe Cook, giving you a one on one insight into the inspiration behind the ‘Odeington’ poem. To be the first to get our monthly newspaper through your door email: [email protected])

Erdington born poet and spoken word artist, Joe Cook, has penned a special poem celebrating the modern day lives and achievements of people from Kingstanding to Castle Vale.

Now set to music with a specially commissioned video, ‘Odeington’ gets its online release on 17 October – available to steam on YouTube and other online media platforms.

The video to ‘Odeington’ was shot by Erdington artist, photographer, and filmmaker Chris Neophytou, making the creative collaboration a very local love letter to the place the people behind it call home.

Challenging the too often held view that Erdington is “all kind of hot spot here, think it’s just gun shot here, police line do not cross here”, Cook uses razor sharp rhyme to champion the litany of success stories that have come – and continue to come – from in and around the B23 and B24 postcodes.

Image by Grant Archer

But first, Cook gives Erdington’s array of international cuisine a roll call of appreciation, from the “smell of jerk chicken rice and pea, drifting through the air of B23” to the “Pane and Vino family, favourite dish of Pavarotti” that run an intimate restaurant on Gravelly Lane.

MMA champion Leon ‘Rocky’ Edwards gets a few verses of recognition, for his “jab from Jamaica, a back hand from Brum” and inspirational career that saw him crowned UFC Welterweight Championship in 2022.

Erdington’s own international clothing brand Hoodrich, who’s founder Jay Williams went from designing and selling just 30 t-shirts to “a fabric mantra” worn across the world, is another local success story Cook is keen to remind us of. Hoodrich celebrates it’s 10 year anniversary in 2024 and is now sold in over 1000 outlets across 24 countries.

Kingstanding’s Jilted Royalty clothing label, launched by local lad Jay Read with sales stretching across the Atlantic, also gets celebrated – with Cook sporting one of the B44 born limited edition t-shirts in the ‘Odeington’ video.

‘Odeington’ / Screenshot from film by Chris Neophytou

And whilst no homage to Erdington would be complete without a look back at the rock legends who cut their teeth at the renowned Mothers music club, Cook is quick to remind us to look forward too – listing the modern musicians who are putting Erdington on the international map.

Lady Sanity, Mist, Ashley Allen, Rueben Reynolds… as Cook warns and champions, “we can’t spend our days spinning soundtracks, throwbacks, staring at blue plaques, we’ve got to welcome the next acts.”

Born and raised in Stockland Green, Joe Cook’s family represent the diaspora that has made so many UK towns and cities rich and diverse, with his lineage hailing from Britian, Malta, and Ireland.

Commissioned by Ceol Agency to pen a poem that celebrates Erdington, as part of the St Barnabas Church bicentennial celebration, Joe Cook wanted to use his creative talents to champion the constituency in a modern context – tired of the “Erdington expats” who attack the area from outside.

‘Odeington’ / Screenshot from film by Chris Neophytou

Joe Cook is a celebrated local creative who has also worked on many arts and community engagement projects, including The GAP Arts Project, City of Colours, and Soundlounge with B:Music.

Ahead of the online release of ‘Odeington’, Cook told Erdington Local: “I think the idea of being a laureate, or in the West African tradition of a griot, or folk music, it’s all about that localisation and communities – and art should try and serve the community as best as possible. And these are the best kind of examples of what poetry should be, to me.

“From my experience of work on a grassroots level in the community, I’m most proud of are the little everyday things, like people helping people on the school run. Or people checking in on their neighbours, bringing the food round when they’re struggling.”

Image by Grant Archer

He adds: “I think North Birmingham is forgotten about in a lot of ways, economically and whatever, and I think one of the amazing things about Erdington is that people do have each other’s back and do try and help each other. And that’s what I’d want to shout about more.

“We haven’t got this big infrastructure, we haven’t got these big community hubs. But there’s these little pockets of grassroots activities that make a big impact on people’s lives. And that’s what I’d want to shout about more.”

‘Odeington’ – written and performed by Joe Cook, film by Chris Neophytou

For more on Joe Cook visit www.jcrhythmandpoetry.bandcamp.com or follow him on Instagram at www.instagram.com/joecook349

For more form Chris Neophytou visit www.linktr.ee/chris_neophytou

NEWS: St Barnabas Church celebrates 200 years in the heart of Erdington with special events and historical display

Words by Estelle Murphy / Pics by Ed King and Joe Marchant

St Barnabas Church is celebrating 200 years at the heart of the Erdington community with a series of special events and activities, before a special bi-centenial birthday service on 23 July.

There will also be a special display of the church’s history, from the Erdington Historical Society, in situ at St Barnabas until the double century celebrations are over.

Despite not being readily accessible to members of the public, after St Barnabas closed its café due to financial constraints in June last year, the display can however be seen during the church’s regular programme of community events and worship.

A Grade II listed building, situated on the corner of Church Road and Erdington High Street, St Barnabas Church was first consecrated on 23 July 1824 – with this year marking its 200 year anniversary.

The church was famous for its 16 stained glass windows, and cost £5000 to build at the time – over £1000 of which was from public donations. St Barnabas is the Patron Saint of Peacemakers and is often invoked against quarrelling and hailstorms.

Bi-centenial celebrations were launched on 8 June with an arts and crafts event, and the presentation of Erdington Historical Society’s display of St Barnabas Church history.

The display details the early plans for the church, which was originally built as a chapel of ease to the Aston Parish Church – meaning locals didn’t have to travel to Aston every Sunday to worship. At first St Barnabas could only conduct burials and baptisms, and weddings could not take place there until Erdington became a parish in 1858. The display also shows records of former clergymen and women, bells, and graveyard extensions.

But marking a sad point in the Erdington parish history, on 4 October 2007 arsonists set fire to the St Barnabas Church, destroying all but one of its stained glass windows and much of the roof – leaving only the clock, bell tower, and walls standing. Rebuilding took place between 2011 and 2012, it the church was rededicated in December 2012.

The display form the Erdington Historical Society also shows images of the former stained glass windows and the war memorial lost to the fire, whilst also providing more details of the fire.

Ahead of its 200 year anniversary, St Barnabas is hosting series of events and activities to mark the occasion. Erdington Arts Forum and Ceol Agency also hosted a special musical event on 29 June, bringing musicians and artists together in the church to celebrate it’s importance to the community.

On Saturday 13 July there will also be a Celebration of Relationships held at 2pm – a service to rejoice in all the bonds of love, from friendship and community to marriage and partnership.

Saturday 20 July will see a family fun day with arts and crafts, workshops, and refreshments, held in the community hub from 11am till 3:30pm, which people can attend without booking.

Then on Tuesday 23 July at 7pm, St Barnabas will host a special dedication service, to celebrate the building’s 200 year history and shine a light on everything that is good in the community of Erdington.

Reverend Emma Sykes at St Barnabas told Erdington Local: “It was consecrated on 23 July 1824, which is why we are holding a dedication service on that day.

“Leading up to that day, we have a whole range of events that celebrate Erdington and highlighting the good things here”.

Erdington Historical Society meet at the community hub area at St Barnabas every second Tuesday of each month, with a small fee for attendance.

For more on St Barnabas visit www.stbarnabaserdington.org.uk

For more on the Erdington Historical Society visit www.stbarnabaserdington.org.uk/erdington-historcial-society

NEWS: St Barnabas Church to close Harbour Café to public from 10 June

Words by Liam Smith / Pics by Ed King

St Barnabas Church are set to close their Harbour Café to members of the public from 10 June, refocusing their energies into operating the space as a community hub for local groups.

All existing community activities at the Harbour Café will continue – including the weekly Barny Babies (Mon, 11am-12:30pm), Youth Café (Tues, 3.15-4.15pm), and Dance to Health (Weds, 1-3pm).

There will also be extra Welcome Space sessions hosted, where members of the public can meet and socialise in the café space with free snacks and refreshments (Tues & Thurs, 10:30am – 12:30pm and Fri, 2 – 5pm).

But following a consultation by the Parochial Church Council (PCC), the church’s governing body, it was concluded the ‘increasingly large amounts’ being lost each week ‘was not sustainable’ and the only option was to close the café to the paying public.

Several members of staff would also be made redundant through the closure, with some having worked in the café for nearly 10 years.

Reverend Emma Sykes told Erdington Local: “Ever since Covid, like everyone else, we’ve been having to look carefully at our finances. We hoped when we reopened, we would be able to increase footfall to a level similar to pre-Covid times.

“When we were looking at the budget for this year, we knew we needed to review the café and barring a dramatic change it wasn’t something that could remain financially viable. We struggled to find ways to increase footfall; it wasn’t the fault of anyone, it’s just unfortunate that this is the situation we find ourselves in financially.

“We do have investment money coming in from the church, but a lot of what we rely on from the church and parishioners giving has to stretch across multiple avenues.”

Promoting itself as ‘a beacon of hope on the High Street’, St Barnabas and it’s public accessible Harbour Café has been a loved meeting place for many local residents – alongside offering a good café menu in a safe space overlooking Erdington’s shopping district.

But with high ceiling and a large glass frontage, the running costs – such as heating the space and operating a commercial kitchen – can soon mount up, especially during the recent spikes in energy prices.

One Church Road resident explained: “I love the Harbour Café, and the food there – especially the breakfasts – is some of the best on the High Street. But I appreciate there are rolling costs in running a cafe.

“I’ve worked in commercial catering, and I feel there might have been more done to promote the café before deciding to close it – some more signage, marketing, or extending the oening hours which were always a little limiting.

“Closing it must have been a tough decision, but was it really the only option? Especially as people will lose their jobs too – after all, money is tight for everyone, not just businesses or churches.”

Staff at the Harbour Café have been vocal about the closure, with some feeling more options could have been explored to keep the community café open to the paying public.

Carolyn, one of the staff members who will lose her job because of the closure, told: “I feel dreadful for our customers with the café closing. These are loyal customers who come here week after week, day after day.

“There is nowhere else this nice for them to go in Erdington or along the high street… none as safe as here.

“In all honesty, I don’t think they tried hard enough to keep this place going.”

For more on St Barnabas visit www.stbarnabaserdington.org.uk

NEWS: Local businesses invited to MP meeting about crime on Erdington High Street – to be held on Tuesday 14 February

Words & pics by Ed King

On Tuesday 14 February, local businesses and High Street retailers have been invited to attend a meeting to discuss crime and anti-social behaviour within the Erdington Shopping district.

Organised by the Erdington Business Improvement District (EBID) and Erdington MP Paulette Hamilton, the meeting will be held at St Barnabas Church in the evening – with all local shop owners, workers, and businesses invited.

Anyone wishing to attend should contact the EBID to register a place by emailing [email protected] or calling (0121) 306 4270.

Erdington Town Centre and EBID Manager, John Hodgkiss, told Erdington Local: “I organised the meeting on the request of Paulette (Hamilton), to discuss the current crime situation in the town centre.

“Initially, it was to focus on the 6 Ways end of the High Street which seems to be having more problems in general.

“I visited them all last week to invite, but as a result I’m expecting that retailers from all over will attend.

“It’s essentially as a result of Erdington losing out on the Levelling Up funding. Paulette (Hamilton) wanted to look at more focussed projects including crime, retail, and the local economy, and push on with these as soon as possible.”

Erdington MP Paulette Hamilton added: “I’ve called a meeting with local businesses along Erdington High Street to discuss how we can tackle the issues they are facing and work together to secure the investment our High Street desperately needs.

“Erdington High Street is the heart and soul of our community, but sadly it’s been in decline for many years.

“As more shops close, the area has become a magnet for antisocial behaviour that has resulted in the introduction of a Public Space Protection Order.

“The latest blow came from the Government after they recently rejected our Levelling Up Fund application that would have transformed our High Street, and we’re still fighting to stop the approval of an eighth betting shop.

“It’s important that we all work together to make Erdington a better place and I hope to see as many local businesses as possible at the meeting (on Tuesday 14 February).”

Once one of the busiest roads in Birmingham, the Erdington shopping district has been blighted with crime and antisocial behaviour in recent years – with many people now avoiding the area due to concerns over street drinking, drug dealing, and harassment on the High Street.

Retailers are under daily siege from shoplifters, with a lack of any firm police presence giving criminals a green light to keep offending – according to High Street shop staff and security.

Several key shops have further closed their doors for good after the Covid lockdowns, with even major banks pulling down their shutters and leaving Erdington Town Centre.

But despite two recent rejections for Levelling Up Fund (LUF) money, and a previous rejection from the Future High Streets Fund in December 2022, there are still locally led plans in place to help regenerate the High Street.

Even though the project was a key part of the recent LUF application, Witton Lodge Community Association remain committed to transforming the old swimming baths into an Enterprise Hub – with ambitious plans to create jobs and entrepreneurial opportunities at the currently disused site.

St Barnabas are continuing to explore alternative funding to renovate their churchyard, a regeneration project that again would have been significantly supported by the LUF bid.

Whilst Central Square is turning over a new leaf, with the old shopping centre owners investing in a significant makeover and letting new units.

The meeting on Tuesday 14 February will be a chance for local businesses and retailers to voice their concerns over High Street crime directly to the Erdington MP and Businesses Improvement District.

Erdington Local will be meeting with West Midlands Police Chief Constable Craig Guildford on 28 February, to further discuss crime on the High Street.

If you have been a victim of crime on Erdington High Street we want to hear your story – please get in touch with us at: [email protected]

NEWS: “A kick in the teeth” as Erdington High Street loses out on millions from Levelling Up Fund

Words & pics by Ed King (image of Paulette Hamilton supplied)

Erdington has once again missed out on millions of pounds to regenerate the High Street, as the Government rejects the latest Levelling Up Fund (LUF) application.

In a surprise announcement made in the early hours of Thursday 19 January, with no warning given to unsuccessful applications, all five of Birmingham City Council’s applications to the LUF were turned down – including the £10.75m petitioned to deliver ‘a transformational scheme’ for Erdington High Street.

Top of the list of Birmingham City Council’s recent LUF applications, the Erdington High Street bid would ‘be used to transform the High Street into a thriving centre, with business incubation space, housing, cultural, leisure and social activities, improved urban realm and physical and social connectivity within the area.’

At the centre of the regeneration of Erdington High Street were plans to support the renovation of St Barnabas Churchyard and the development of a Community and Enterprise Hub at the old Erdington Swimming Baths site – being delivered by Witton Lodge Community Association.

With local politicians and stakeholders reeling from the LUF rejection this morning – which is the second time the ambitious plans for Erdington High Street have been turned down – elsewhere across the county 111 areas will be celebrating their share of the £2.1bn from the Department for Levelling Up, Housing & Communities.

Today’s shock announcement, and complete overstepping of all five Birmingham LUF bids, is the latest defeat in a long battle to secure regeneration funding for Erdington High Street from Westminster – which began with an application to the Future High Street Fund in 2020 and saw further disappointment in the first round of LUF allocations in October 2021.

Erdington MP Paulette Hamilton stated: “”I’m incredibly disappointed that, yet again, the Conservative Government have let Erdington down.

“Our funding bid would have brought investment into our community by creating jobs, skills, and infrastructure. The investment would have transformed Erdington High Street to make it a destination again.

“Sadly, Erdington did not receive a single penny from the Tory Government’s 2.1bn fund, despite ranking amongst the top 10% most deprived areas in the country.

“The Prime Minister’s own constituency – one of the most affluent – has received £19m.

“Tory failure and favouritism have been laid bare by this announcement. It’s just another kick in the teeth for our community in Erdington from this out of touch Government.”

Erdington Ward Councillor and Birmingham Conservative Leader, Robert Alden, told: “Over the last few years we have been putting in Future High Street Fund and Levelling up Fund bids and requests to the City Council, that is it is so disappointing that the Levelling Up Fund bid has not been approved.

“However, this is not the end of trying to get funding into the High Street here in Erdington.

“It is vital now that the Government and the City Council invest in our High Street to deliver the plans that residents want to see and we will continue to do all we can to secure further investment onto of the funding already provided by West Midlands Mayor Andy Street”.

Cllr Gareth Moore (Con, Erdington Ward) added: “West Midlands Mayor Andy Street has listened and the Combined Authority therefore put in over £2million to help turn the former Erdington Baths site, under Witton Lodge Community Association, into an Enterprise Hub to support local people into work and to set up businesses.

“Andy Street listened to the people of Erdington it is time that the City Council and the Government listen to the people of Erdington and invest to regenerate our High Street”.

Birmingham was one of three cities across the country that had all of it’s LUF applications turned down by Government, losing out on a total of £82.264m in potential citywide funding.

Elsewhere, Leeds lost out on a potential £120m through six LUF bids – whilst Nottingham had all three of its bids rejected, totalling £57m.

Birmingham City Council Leader Ian Ward told: “Today’s announcement is a kick in the teeth for Birmingham families who were already struggling to make ends meet after over a decade of Tory austerity – even before the Government crashed the UK economy.

“You cannot level up the UK economy without levelling up Birmingham, so today’s news brings into question the Government’s true commitment to hard-pressed households across this city. It’s now clear that levelling up is nothing more than a slogan.

“These bids would have delivered true change to communities across Birmingham, creating new jobs, improving life chances and restoring pride to our neighbourhoods.

“Instead, the Prime Minister’s constituency – one of the most affluent in the country – has received funding, while of the 80 successful bids in England, only half are in the 100 most deprived areas of the country. How is this levelling up?”

The Levelling Up Fund was first announced in the Government’s 2020 spending review, totalling £4.8bn in accessible funding for councils across the country.

Tranche One of LUF allocation saw £1.7bn distributed to 105 projects, including money for Moseley Road Swimming Baths in Balsall Heath and the Soho Loop development on Dudley Road.

Following today’s allocation of £2.1bn in Tranche Two – which saw 525 bids submitted to the Department for Levelling Up, Housing & Communities in August 2022 – there is now £1bn left in the LUF budget.

Erdington’s Town Centre Manger and head of the Business Improvement District (EBID), John Hodgkiss, who came into post in August 2022, is “remaining positive about the potential of Erdington High Street.”

Mr Hodgkiss told Erdington Local: “It’s incredibly disappointing to hear that the LUF has not been awarded to Erdington, especially in light of the hard work so many have contributed.

“In terms of Erdington High Street, I know that we have so many dedicated stakeholders with one aim, which is to see Erdington prosper and thrive in the future.

“Here at the EBID, we will continue to push on with projects and events to attract greater footfall into the town centre. We will also continue to work hard in attracting new independent and national retailers into Erdington High Street.

“We also commit to promoting the great retailers which we already have on board and further improve the local trading environment for them.”

CHRISTMAS STARTS TODAY… Christmas lights ‘switch on’ event kicks off the festive season on Erdington High Street – today, from 4pm to 7pm

Words by Ed King / Artwork supplied by Ceol Agency, profile pic by Ed King

The festive season starts in Erdington today, with a special event celebrating the Christmas lights ‘switch on’ – running from 4pm to 7pm, with more events and performances up and down the High Street.

All the Christmas activities are free to attend and suitable for all the family, big and small kids alike are welcome.

The main stage, outside the Co-op supermarket, will be hosted by Radio WM DJ and presenter Henry Liston – with a headline musical performance from local superstar singer Liam Price, who shot to fame after his debut on The Voice Kids UK (2019).

Also performing will be The Trouverers, a musical storytelling ensemble fronted by Katrina – alongside a troupe of Indian Drummers, playing rhythmic beats with traditional South Asian instruments and costume.

Abbey Primary School Choir will be singing the traditional Christmas carol ‘In dulci jubilo’, along with the Birmingham Irish Association. Whilst classically trained international duo Soreno will be closing the main stage after the Christmas lights have been officially ‘switched on’, with their modern medley of folk, pop, and light jazz.

Further up Erdington High Street, there will also be a community choir stage outside St Barnabas Church – with Christmas carols and traditional songs performed by choirs from across Erdington, accompanied by world touring guitarist and singer Stefan Stefanov.

There will also be a free Santa’s Grotto downstairs at Central Square – running from 4pm until around 5:30pm, where up to 1000 children can visit the winter wonderland, meet Santa, and get a free selection box treat.

Santa will then be making his way down to the main stage by the Co-op supermarket, to help turn on the Christmas lights and officially start the festive season in Erdington.

Organised by The Recovery Foundation and supported by the Erdington Business Improvement District (EBID), the Santa’s Grotto at Central Square is also completely free – with children of any ages up to 14 welcome to come along.

To secure your place on the day, simply head to the Christmas lights ‘switch on’ event outside the Co-op supermarket, from 4pm, where you can a pick up a free ticket for Santa’s Grotto – one per child, allocated on a first come first served basis.

Organised by the Erdington Business Improvement District (EBID) and local partners, today’s Christmas lights ‘switch on’ event  will be surrounded by more free events for the family to enjoy on Erdington High Street – including a ‘Nutcracker Trail’ and ‘Best Dressed Window’ competition.

The month long programme of free festive fun, starting just over four weeks before Christmas Day, will bring some welcomed Christmas cheer to Erdington – after years of Covid restrictions and amidst the current cost of living crisis.

Supporting local businesses, the EBID also hope the free Christmas events will also encourage people to search for those special seasonal gifts on Erdington High Street.

Town Centre Manager John Hodgkiss told Erdington Local:

“This winter the Erdington Business Improvement District (EBID) wanted to bring some Christmas cheer firmly back to Erdington, with an exciting programme of family friendly fun that won’t cost you a penny.

“Join us for the official Christmas lights ‘switch on’ celebration and free Santa’s Grotto on Thursday 24 November, and check out the other fun events happening up and down the High Street.

“It’s been a tough couple of years, and this winter will be a difficult time for many of us.

“But EBID and our local partners have organised these free and fun events so Erdington can celebrate Christmas as a community again. We hope to see you all on the High Street.”

For more on the Erdington Business Improvement District and all the Christmas events coming to the High Street visit www.facebook.com/erdingtonBID