OPINION: Erdington Cllr Robert Alden, Leader of Birmingham Conservatives

Words and pics supplied by Erdington Ward Cllr Robert Alden – Leader of Birmingham Conservatives

(Ed’s note – this column was written for the Erdington Local printed edition and first published on 15.08.24)

One of the things that makes Cllr Gareth Moore and I so proud to represent Erdington is the brilliant community we have locally.

Over the last month we have seen lots of examples of these amazing residents at work. We joined members of Erdington Litter Busters for their monthly clean up in Short Heath Park off Court Lane at the start of August, where they collected dozens of bags of rubbish.

Later this month we helped Lisa Burns, who runs the Erdington crochet knit and natter group, deliver dozens of handmade teddy bears to the local Police at Erdington Police Station and to Good Hope Hospital.

Lisa and her team have done an amazing job, and all these bears will go to good use helping children in need. If you are interested in joining the group they meet on Saturdays at Highcroft Community Centre, Slade Road, 2pm till 5pm. There is a small charge to cover room hire and tea or coffee, and biscuits are provided.

Finally, we have also been working with local neighbourhood watch groups to encourage increased reporting of crime in our area, especially around the High Street. Working with the Council and Police, a task force aimed at tackling crime around the High Street has been established.

The Business Improvement District are also involved, to try and ensure that extra Police resources are committed to Erdington we need to ensure that any crime people see is reported either directly to the Police, or to Crimestoppers.

For more from Erdington’s Councillor Robert Alden and Councillor Gareth Jones visit www.facebook.com/ErdingtonNews