FEATURE: “Golden nuggets” – celebrating Erdington’s volunteers and community groups

Introduction by Ed King

Erdington Litter Busters community litter pick / Pic by Ed King

50% of adults across the UK will be volunteering and giving their free time to local endeavours this year, according to a survey conducted by the National Lottery Community Fund. And Erdington is heavily supported by a widespread array of community groups – bolstering the constituency with everything from litter picking to providing mental health care services.

But the line between Birmingham City Council’s civic duty and the goodwill of local residents has never been thinner, with several longstanding volunteers feeling the city should be more involved.

With Volunteer Week 2025 just over six months away, Erdington Local kickstarts a series of stories, features, and profiles celebrating our local volunteers and community groups.

One of the silver linings from the Coronavirus pandemic was the rise in people volunteering and setting up constituted groups, supporting their community with everything from food distribution to art therapy, domestic violence outreach to keeping the High Street safe. Amidst the fear and suffering, the brightest side of human nature also shone – with many individuals and groups continuing their community work well after the masks came down and the High Streets opened back up.

But beneath the altruism and community spirit that brought so much good over recent years, with half the UK population now looking at volunteering and 14% of them doing so for the first time, there is a growing argument that mismanaged local authorities are pulling back on their statutory obligations as prominent community groups pick up the civic slack.

Kaleidoscope volunteer at Central Square, Erdington High Street / Pic by Ed King

Volunteer Week 2025 starts in June 2025, where people across the country will be encouraged to throw their hat in the ring and get involved in local agendas for free.

Launching a series of articles on the build up next June, Erdington Local asked some existing volunteers and community groups – many of whom rely on the free time given by others – if they felt their support work was properly appreciated by the local authorities.


Lemia, The Shed – Elim Life Church: “We are running a community outreach activity which has invited several volunteers and we still need more to function fully. Therefore, we do appreciate the presence of the volunteers.”

The Recovery Foundation exhibition at Secret Arts Studio Space, Central Square, Erdington High Street / Pic supplied by The Recovery Foundation

Emma Sitole, The Recovery Foundation: “Here at The Recovery Foundation we have seen first-hand how charities and voluntary, grass roots organisations are working hard to support our local community. An already overstretched NHS is struggling to cope with the rise in referrals for mental illness and so the third sector steps up. We see this as a privilege, but it’s not without its challenges.

“To be able to support our community is something we love doing. The Recovery Foundation is built on hope and, to end on our favourite quote ‘Hope, the only thing that by giving away, you get more of.”

Portland Jones, InkWell: “We provide writing sessions for people in recovery from addictions, trauma or life-changing events. What we offer is a different way of meeting people; it is recreational but with additional benefits. It’s a new hobby, a new outlet. Our byline is sharing strength through writing.

“Do we pick up the slack left by other providers? I think what we do is supplement what others do. This is almost a continuation of the recovery process, meeting with people with the same lived experience, who fully understand what you are going through.”

Adam Khan at LGBTQ+ rally in Mexico / Pic supplied by Adam Khan

Adam Khan, LBGT+ activist: “Volunteering helps empower communities to overcome barriers and inaction from other providers and institutions creatively.

“Volunteering helps with community cohesion as it builds trust within the community, and often provides the catalyst needed to provide much-needed provisions for communities, especially for those who feel that they have been left behind due to austerity or lack of commitment from local authorities and the government.”

First meeting on Save Short Heath Playing Fields campaign, on Short Heath Playing Fields / Pic by Ed King

Stephen Hughes, Short Heath Fields Trust: “We have only secured a one-year licence with Birmingham Education Department… under this licence Shirt Heath Fields Trust (SHFT), in partnership with FC Elite, now cut the grass, paint the lines and maintain the playing fields. But still, due to Birmingham City Council’s financial situation, we are waiting and fighting to secure the long-term future of Short Heath Playing Fields (SHPF).

“Local councillors Jane Jones and Amar Khan (Stockland Green, Labour) and neighbouring councillor Jilly Bermingham (Perry Common, Labour) say they’re supporting what SHFT are doing at Bleak Hill Park and SHPF, but what are they actually doing?

“The simple answer is nothing, while SHFT is working hard to develop sport and secure the future of SHPF and struggle to raise funding because we don’t have a long-term lease, these councillors have done nothing.”

Rev. Emma Sykes by St Barnabas Church, Erdington High Street – Pic by Ed King

Rev. Emma Sykes, St Barnabas Church: “We are consistently seeing an increase in numbers of people accessing our community hub for support and signposting to other agencies and support services. There are several areas where we pick up the slack.

“We are constantly dealing with and supporting people with complex mental health issues. We provide a place where [addiction] support services can come and meet with their service users – we are able to provide a safe and free meeting point.

“We are often engaging with both the victims and perpetrators of anti-social behaviour and are able to liaise with the police to aid in reporting offences.

“We regularly are engaging with people who need help with poor housing – SIFA are based with us most Friday afternoons to offer housing support – and our Friday Warm Welcome attendance has increased significantly over the last few weeks and we envisage it will increase further as the colder weather sets in.”

Harold MacDonald-Taylor (3rd right) with Erdington Walking Group (EWG) at Perry Common Library / Pic supplied by EWG

Harold MacDonald-Taylor, volunteer: “I recently volunteered to help out with ‘tarting up’ the outside of the old Erdington Swimming Baths, with Witton Lodge Community Association – who paid for all the materials, wooden planters, soil, bark, plants, shrubs, floor chippings, paint, brushes, etc.

“As well as enjoying the fresh air, exercise, and general banter with the other volunteers, I couldn’t help but notice just how many passersby would go out of their way to come over and say thanks for our efforts.”

Cathy Crossley, Arts All Over the Place: “There are at least three volunteers working away each week, setting up, making tea, welcoming folk and clearing up. Some teach skills to others, from crochet, to how to manage their phone etc.

“The volunteers say it’s a great way of building their confidence and helping them gain experience which could be included on a job application.”

Evening of Creativity live streaming at Secret Arts Studio Space, Central Square, Erdington High Street / Pic by Ed King

Jobe Sullivan, Ceol Agency: “We’ve had some volunteers who have donated 100s of hours over the seven years I’ve been around. That being said, sometimes just one volunteer donating one hour, or literally donating resources, can give you such an incredible will and desire to keep going and can really rally the group.”

“Volunteers that come to mind are Rob Tanley for his tireless work setting up the Erdington Traditional Irish Music Sessions, Mig Braithwaite (sp) for extending this into another, first Sunday session, and Tamara Francis, one of our longest serving camera-volunteers. That’s regular, monthly graft for the community.”

Zuzanna Kiewel, POMOC: “POMOC, a non-profit organisation that organised Eastern European migrants towards justice, safety and community cohesion.

“We have been slowly building our base of Polish migrants in Erdington, aiming to develop a campaign that would eventually involve all residents and create bridges for understanding between different marginalised groups.”

Fundraising at Erdington Court Bowls Club / Pic supplied by Erdington Court Bowls Club

Ray Woods, Erdington Court Bowls Club: “To me volunteers are golden nuggets. They should be treated with respect – and a thank you costs nothing.

“Our Club has no paid staff – we are all volunteers. Some do more than others, but every little bit of help counts when you have a large facility like ours to run.

“At a time when City Council facilities are being cut back, more volunteers than ever are needed in all sorts of ways in the community – including our Club.
“Volunteering can be a great way for younger helpers to build up their CV’s for future employment.”

Erdington Litter Busters community litter pick / Pic by Ed King

Erdington Litter Busters: “Volunteering is not only good for the community but can improve a person’s physical and mental health and wellbeing. It encourages someone to learn new skills, to make new friends and above all to give something back to society.

“Getting out into the local area will develop a sense of connection to others, enhance one’s confidence, improve how things work for the better and above all, show commitment.”

PICTURE GALLERY: Community groups and volunteers from across the Erdington constituency

Erdington Local is looking to expand its network of COMMUNITY ANCHORS, volunteers, and community groups. If you are an active member of the local community we want to hear from you.

Please email our Erdington Local COMMUNITY ANCHORS correspondent, Hema Chumber: [email protected]

NEWS: Eau da Funk and Olivia Wilkes to headline Evening of Creativity on Friday 20 January

Words by Leni Remedios / Pics supplied by Erdington Arts Forum

2023 starts with two extraordinary headline acts at this month’s Evening of Creativity, Eau Da Funk and Olivia Wilkes – to be held at Oikos Café on Friday 20 January, as organised by the Erdington Arts Forum.

Eau Da Funk is a six-piece covers/function band delivering an eclectic repertoire of funk, soul, pop, reggae, and RnB.

They only started playing together in 2022, formed in Birmingham, and Erdington Arts Forum is extremely excited to host this newly formed band.

January’s Evening of Creativity will also see the participation of outstanding singer and musician Olivia Wilkes. “My vocal tutoring journey started at a music school in my home town where I have taught 45+ students in face to face private lessons,” says Olivia, a singing coach who has a long experience in teaching different genres, from musical theatre to heavier tracks.

Since the age of 15, Wilkes has performed in festivals, weddings, and charity days, collaborated with a lot of musicians and featured on local radio stations, including BBC Radio Stoke.

But that’s not all for the first Evening of Creativity of 2023.

Greek singer and musician Elena Mylonas will be also featuring on the January line up, delighting the audience with her pop rock songs.

Also on the bill will be Mitch Thomas, a regular of the Evening of Creativity, introducing to the audience her ceramic artwork “influenced by love,” alongside a poetry reading by Laura Liptrot – a Stourbridge based actor and playwright.

Members of Arts All Over the Place, a local mental charity that has been active since 2007, will also speak about their community arts projects for adults with mental health problems.

Now a permanent fixture on the city’s cultural calendar, the family friendly Evening of Creativity events at Oikos often sell out – so organisers encourage people to buy advance tickets through a special Eventbrite page.

The Evening of Creativity was founded and hosted by Erdington Arts Forum, whose primary goal is to improve the status of artistic activity in the Erdington constituency. Erdington Arts Forum engages people with workshops, exhibitions, training programmes, exhibitions, and music performances.

This month’s Evening of Creativity will be held at Oikos Café on Erdington High Street from 6:30pm on Friday 20 January, with advance tickets around £5-6. Click here to book your ticket.

The event will also be broadcast live via the Erdington Arts Forum Facebook page: www.facebook.com/ErdingtonArts

Follow Erdington Arts Forum on Facebook and Instagram
For more from Oikos Café visit: https://www.oikoscafe.co.uk/

NEWS: Love Erdington arts festival at Central Square running from 10-15 May

Words by Jobe Baker Sullivan

Celebrating creative talent this spring, Arts All Over the Place (AAOTP) have planned five days of poetry, music, and art in Central Square on Erdington High Street, running from 10 – 15 May.

The completely free Love Erdington festival is a culmination of the Creative Catalyst workshops, held every Thursday at the Secret Art Studio Space (SASS).

The weeklong programme starts on Tuesday, 10 May with a VIP launch lunch from 12pm – featuring Erdington based conservatoire graduate Edwin Podolski playing violin.

Open to members of the public, anyone wanting to attend the Love Erdington festival VIP launch lunch should email: [email protected]

Wednesday, 11 May will see two sessions with Birmingham poet Kiran ‘Kiz’ Manley, from the collective Hip Hop HEALS. “We do creative workshops with a well-being twist,” explained Kiz.

“We use scientifically evidenced calming techniques from expressive arts research to settle people into sessions. Then we energise people’s expression and connection with others through fun prompts to bring about a creative buzz.”

Thursday, 12 May will host a craft workshop with Margaret Murray, an art facilitator who ran the regular AAOTP Creative Catalyst workshops. Her plan is to create models of birds with movable wings, which members will flap as part of a procession used in the festival’s grand finale.

“Creative Catalyst has really lived up to its name,” said Margaret. “It has been providing opportunities for participants to revisit or learn new skills and to share their creative talents. It has provided a really friendly place to chat and even laugh.”

Arts All Over the Place (AAOTP) work with people who have experience of dealing with mental health issues. “We care for carers, as well as care for people who need caring for,” told Cathy Crossley, head of AAOTP.

Friday, 13 May is set to be a ‘carers day with information stalls’ from Home, a group with a contract through Birmingham City Council that provides support for carers. “They will be giving out information in the afternoon,” added Cathy.

Also on the Friday, from 2pm there will be a workshop with professional model maker Trevor Boddington. AAOTP previously ran Creative Catalyst workshops in Castle Vale where Trevor and the participants created a model of The Sanctuary on Tangmere Drive.

Trevor will be teaching people how to create models out of junk material such as tin cans and cardboard boxes. “Trevor is fantastic at creating things out of other things that are too nice to throw away,” said Cathy.

Saturday, 14 May, the final day of the festival, will present a procession in Central Square and music from three bands, including the Village Green Band – founded in 2022 as an offshoot of the Erdington Traditional Irish Sessions.

“We can’t wait to be part of this festival. Anything that’s a chance for me to bang my drum, both literally and figuratively, celebrating Erdington,” said Robert Tanley, co-founder and Bodhran player for the Erdington Traditional Sessions. “It also gives us a chance to advertise our third Sunday sessions at the New Inns.”

For more details on the Love Erdington festival email: [email protected]